Saturday, October 21, 2006
After all this, Bush offers a Timetable?
The Bush administration is drafting a timetable for the Iraqi government to address sectarian divisions and assume a larger role in securing the country, senior American officials said.
Details of the blueprint, which is to be presented to Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki before the end of the year and would be carried out over the next year and beyond, are still being devised. But the officials said that for the first time Iraq was likely to be asked to agree to a schedule of specific milestones, like disarming sectarian militias, and to a broad set of other political, economic and military benchmarks intended to stabilize the country.
Although the plan would not threaten Mr. Maliki with a withdrawal of American troops, several officials said the Bush administration would consider changes in military strategy and other penalties if Iraq balked at adopting it or failed to meet critical benchmarks within it.
This is about as good a move as we can expect out of this administration, but why do I have the feeling they'll still fuck it up.
(Also: Awfully similar to the Dems calls for "a year of transition.")
Later: McClatchy version of timetable.
UPDATE: Sunday morning, WAPO, the White House has gone on the record denying the NYTimes report. However, same article,
"Implicit in that is that if they are not achieving the benchmarks, we are going to have to make changes accordingly," Bartlett said, adding that troop withdrawals or other dramatic changes in U.S. policy are not being contemplated.
So, the White House line, two weeks before the elections, is that we're changing, but not changing. (The President is never wrong. He has never been wrong and will never be wrong. All hail.)
Campaign fundraising
RNC $13 millionDNC $5.6 million
NRSC $5,146,209
DSCC $13.6 million
NRCC $12 million
DCCC $14.4million
RNC $26 million
DNC $8.2 million
NRSC $12,058, 137
DSCC $23.1 million
NRCC $39.2 million
DCCC $36 million
(The NRCC dropped in another $8.5 million yesterday. Top expenditure $870,000 in Roskam/Duckworth (Roskam +4%))
Picture of the Day

(Uncaptioned today on the AFP/Iraq wire.)
(Maybe from this?) AFP: Baghdad now forced to 'export' bodies
Insurgents fearless in the streets
The fighting came as Sunni insurgents staged audacious military-style parades in a pair of cities west of Baghdad, advertising their defiance of U.S. forces and their Iraqi allies..
The back door out of Iraq
Thousands of U.S. troops are being barred from overseas duty because they are so deep in debt they are considered security risks, according to an Associated Press review of military records..
Friday, October 20, 2006
Ray Lahood admits that he was "playing politics" when he asked for a Democratic Staff member to be suspended from the committee.
New Rothenberg projection: "Democratic gain of 18-25 seats, though we think that a significantly larger Democratic gain, in excess of 30 seats, is quite possible." (Cook political report has shifted six more seats towards the Dems.)
Republicans in Tennessee are worried enough about Ford to play the race card. "whether the photos were intentionally darkened..."
Later: Jane Harman is under investigation relating to AIPAC, although I'm not really sure if what is alleged is illegal. The only possible claim I see is that she wrote letters for donations but that seems very weakly asserted. It sounds more like opposition research aimed at Pelosi.
$20,000 and a mention on Drudge
The bottom line, a tiny ad buy ($20,000) and a prominent mention on Drudge was enough to get the news media to repeat the unproven statement that Republicans are "stronger on terror."
This is how the right wing machine works. (and how CNN works.)
Scandal updates
There still may be something there, but the Congressman whose name had been mentioned was merely the sponsor of the page in question.
Also, it seems Weldon has been lying about the "letter of exoneration" he received from the Ethics Committee.
More on Amara
Later: CNN is reporting that Sadr dispatched a team to Amara this morning and was calling for calm which indicates that this was done underneath him.
Has Sadr's control weakened such that a sub-leader commanding several hundred men feels he can pull off an operation like this?
Picture of the Day - 2

(WaPo) Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's office has instructed the country's health ministry to stop providing mortality figures to the United Nations, jeopardizing a key source of information on the number of civilian war dead in Iraq, according to a U.N. document.
l'etat c'est moi
Moving quickly to implement the bill signed by President Bush this week that authorizes military trials of enemy combatants, the administration has formally notified the U.S. District Court here that it no longer has jurisdiction to consider hundreds of habeas corpus petitions filed by inmates at the Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba.
In a notice dated Wednesday, the Justice Department listed 196 pending habeas cases, some of which cover groups of detainees. The new Military Commissions Act (MCA), it said, provides that "no court, justice, or judge" can consider those petitions or other actions related to treatment or imprisonment filed by anyone designated as an enemy combatant, now or in the future.
Mahdi takes over Amarrah?
The Shiite militia run by anti-American cleric Muqtada al-Sadr seized total control of the southern Iraqi city of Amarah on Friday in one of the boldest acts of defiance yet by one of the country's powerful, unofficial armies, witnesses and police said......
Reading that last paragraph, I wonder if this was done below the Sadr level. Did the local Mahdi commander do this on his own?
"Pre-mortems," "Pre-criminations," and a sense of inevitability
By this reckoning, roughly a dozen GOP-controlled House seats are "gone, no ifs, ands or buts about it," said the strategist, who discussed internal party deliberations on the condition of anonymity.
A number of GOP operatives said privately yesterday that they now see minimum losses of perhaps 18 seats, with 25 to 30 a more likely outcome.
Other evidence: Notice the appearance of the words "pre-mortem" and "pre-criminations" among the Republicans. If that's not the language of a 5-11 team....
Also, conventional wisdom and "the smart money" seems to be following. Unbelievably, the Dems are now out-fundraising the Republicans.
(I certainly don't think this is a done deal, but it's now the running conventional wisdom.)
Political bits
(Delco Times) Come to find out, Weldon's "FBI source" who said the investigation was political has been on his campaign's payroll since May.
(TPM) Jerry Lewis who has spent $800,000 in campaign funds on attorney fees defending himself from a probe on the Appropriations Committee, suddenly fired all the investigators looking into him.
And, I'm going to re-ask a question Cartledge posed way back when. How did it become legal for a Congressman/Senator to spend his campaign funds defending himself in a criminal probe?
Thursday, October 19, 2006
The policy failure in Iraq is front page everywhere
Maybe this is a Tet-like turning point.
NYTimes: Bush Faces a Battery of Ugly Choices on War
WaPo: Major Change Expected In Strategy for Iraq War
USAToday: White House nixes partitioning Iraq
(discusses alternate plans.)
LATimes: Republicans Are Forced to Explain Iraq Position
WSJ: U.S. Faces Iraq Crossroads
Picture of the Day - 4

I find myself wondering if I saw this Marine shot on CNN today....
(In this undated photo released by his family, U.S. Marine 2nd Lt. Joshua L. Booth, 23, of Sturbridge, Mass., is shown. Booth was killed Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2006, by a single sniper shot in Haditha, Iraq. Born in Virginia Beach, Va., Booth leaves his wife, Erica, and an 18 month old daughter.)
Tony Snow says the killers in Iraq want the Dems to win
And as Lieutenant General Caldwell said today in his briefing in Baghdad, it is possible, although we don't have a clear pathway into the minds of terrorists, it is possible that they are trying to use violence right now as a way of influencing the elections.
See, the Bush administration's strategy in Iraq would be successful except that insurgents are fighting to support the Dems.
Also, as one reporter rolled through the ISG's various proposed solutions, Tony Snow ruled them out one by one. Partition, "non-starter." Phased withdrawal, No. Five percent, "No."
The only one that didn't garner an outright refusal,
Q Can we run by you the idea of adding many more troops into Iraq?
Caldwell says Operation Forward Together is failing.
The two-month-old U.S.-Iraqi bid to crush violence in the Iraqi capital has not met "overall expectations," as attacks in Baghdad rose by 22 percent in the first three weeks of Ramadan, the U.S. military spokesman said Thursday.....
"In Baghdad, Operation Together Forward has made a difference in the focus areas but has not met our overall expectations in sustaining a reduction in the level of violence," Caldwell said at a weekly news briefing.
This announcement, coupled with the acceptance in the last few days of the parallels to Vietnam's Tet, (Tony Snow, George Bush,) means that we may be nearing the escalation point.
The major policy figures in this White House are on record saying that the only reason Vietnam War was lost because of the shift in American support, and that if we'd only "stayed the course," we could've won that war.
Foley's priest and other uncomfortable Republican sex stuff
Also: With the rumor of another Republican page scandal swirling, I think I now understand why the DNC is taking out loans to pour money into races.
Another Republican page sex scandal would completely kneecap them at this point. Not only would it dominate the news cycle, but it would reinforce all the negative perceptions among their base.
(And, jeebus, what is with these guys? A current Republican Congressman and Nevada Gubernatorial candidate gets drunk, has some altercation with a woman that includes three calls to 9-11? (Pulling a Sherwood?))
(FT) The US is now encouraging an amnesty for Sunni insurgents? It's the right move, but after all the bad US politics around the last amnesty discussion, I'm surprised they took this up now.
WaPo describes the splintering of Sadr's militias. If there's one lesson we've learned about this Iraq, it's that preaching politics rather than blood is the surest way into irrelevancy.
(IRIN) Even the good news is fading. School attendance rates drop drastically from 75% last year to 30% this year. (IRIN is Iran's state news.)
(WashTimes) US building "massive" airbase in Kurdish Arbil.
(AP) The marines are peparing plans to recall reserve divisions that have already served one tour.
(AP) The soldiers accused of killing in Hamdaniyah and rape/killing in Mahmoudiya have been moved forward to courts martial.
(Air Force Times) Bush says he may ignore new war-funding law by keeping Iraq Afghanistan funding outside the defense bill.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Teaser on the next Congressman/page scandal
(For sheerly political reasons, thank god it looks like a Republican.)
Here's the list of Illinois Republicans. (Probably not Henry Hyde, Shimkus, Hastert, Lahood, or Judy Biggert so that leaves 4 possibles, Manzullo, Weller, Kirk or Johnson. Bets?)
And, just a rumor at this point, but what happens to the election if this is real and does break?
Later: Reality Based Educator points to this rumor that it's Weller. (We hadn't even gotten the pool going yet.)
You know,
While refusing to specify how the United States would retaliate, he said, "You know, I'd just say it's a grave consequence."
What exactly is the US military mission in Iraq?
These tensions played out today when the Maliki government demanded that the American military command release a senior aide to Mr. Sadr who had been captured on Tuesday on suspicion of attacking American forces and of directing kidnappings, killings and torture of Sunni Arabs and Shiites.
It appears this was part of some bargain struck between Maliki and Sadr today. I wonder if Maliki knew about the raid.
And, Tony Snow endorses Friedman's idea that the current violence is "the jihadist equivalent of the Tet offensive." Later: In an interview, Bush doesn't rule out the parallel. So, it's intentional. Interesting politics.
Low Credibility Terror Warning - It must be close to an election
Foley scandal still unfurling
Last night on Olberman, Dana Milbank mentioned rumors of a third possible Congressman Page scandal.
Political Bits
Republican Vernon Robinson comes unhinged in a debate in North Carolina repeating charges that the Dem. Brad Miller "wants to import homosexuals to the United States and supported scientific studies that would pay teenage girls to watch pornography."
The bigoted right forces the Republicans to consider a "pink purge" (what an understating euphemism) to chase gays from their party. (Maybe they should start with Sen. Larry Craig (R-Id)?)
Rove confidently predicts victory to the Wash Times. (Do you really expect before the big game for the coach to say, "yeah, we're gonna lose.")
Related: Hotline tries to justify that optimism. (Question: If it's sooo good, why won't they let you see the report?)
(NYTimes) Two key generals/leaders of major units within the Iraqi Security forces have been transferred to non-uniform "advisory roles."
Also: The US arrested a significant Sadr aide, Sheik Mazin al-Saedi. "The arrest of Mr. Sadr’s aide, which took place in the early hours of Tuesday, enraged Mr. Sadr’s followers, who called for citywide demonstrations on Wednesday."
(Mike's observation) Three of the now hottest areas outside (north of) Baghdad were all areas where the US had pulled back passing control to Iraqi forces, Kirkuk, Diyala, Baquba.
(The reports of Iraqi deaths are too spread to get any easy total, with different sources reporting different events. It was alot. Maybe 100 reported. Reuters, other.)
Is the ISG issuing warnings?
Beyond the significant leak of the draft report, there have been a ton of other alarming statements by Baker and Hamilton recently. I think they see the Iraq coming unravelled RIGHT NOW and are trying to get the warning out.
(Today's entries: Baker said Iraq is a "helluva mess," and Larry Diamond speaks of "weeks not months.")
(I may be wrong. This may be an artifact of the Baker book promotion. Just something to watch.)
Exploiting the churches for a Republican Majority - Michelle Bachman edition
This is how they want to run.
The IRS has already received a complaint.
(Bachman trails Wetterling, 48-40.)
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
The torture/detainee bill signing undermined by Foley
The Republican plan was to use this signing as a political turning point to "refocus" the campaign.
Stabbing furiously at thick slabs of Ahi tuna, Mehlman laid out the national themes, which boil down to The Three Ts: Terrorists, Tax Cuts and Traditionalist judges.
Then Foley and his lawyer declared a press conference announcing nothing really. (The statement was that they were going to, at a later date, give up the name of the priest.) They could've announced this yesterday, a week ago, or most logically on the day they actually passed the name.
But instead, Foley takes the headlines from this politically critical signing ceremony. Is that just bad GOP luck or is Foley doing this on purpose?
Maybe I've just got the tinfoil hat on too tight. It's been pinching a little lately.
Update: The wires right now are N.Korea number one with these 2 and 3. Neither are in the top stories of WaPo or NYTimes.
NATO Commander Richards blames the US for the Taleban
The U.S.-led coalition in Afghanistan failed to follow through as it should have after ousting the Taliban government in 2001, setting the stage for this year's deadly resurgence, the NATO commander in the country said Tuesday.
Soft GOP - Enthusiasm about voting

Of all the polling I've seen, this NPR graphic on voter enthusiasm is one of the most damning for the GOP. (click to make it bigger.)
Three weeks from the election and their base is less enthusiastic than "Soft Dem," and only moderately more excited than Independent. (And I would guess from other polling that those enthusiastic Independents aren't voting GOP.)
Here's the NPR summary report(pdf.)
Republican Ad - Democrats want to kill black babies.------------ I'm not kidding.
The group, America's Pac, began running ads last month in more than two dozen congressional districts......."Black babies are terminated at triple the rate of white babies," a female announcer in one of the ads says, as rain, thunder, and a crying infant are heard in the background. "The Democratic Party supports these abortion laws that are decimating our people, but the individual's right to life is protected in the Republican platform. Democrats say they want our vote.Why don't they want our lives?"
Another ad features a dialogue between two men.
"If you make a little mistake with one of your ‘hos,' you'll want to dispose of that problem tout suite, no questions asked," one of the men says.
"That's too cold. I don't snuff my own seed," the other replies.
"Maybe you do have a reason to vote Republican," the first man says.
Political Bits
Rawstory speaks of rumors of a Democratic October Surprise.
McCain was conspicuously absent from the torture bill signing today.
Have the Republicans already given up on 12 seats?
Pat Robertson distancing from Republicans?
Maybe it's this election or maybe it's that the 2008 favorites are McCain, Giuliani, and Mormon Romney. Hardly the evangelicals dream ticket.
And, reading the political news, I'm shocked at how many more Republican seats are being sucked into risk each day.
Balad. Is this where Sadr loses control?
How does this resolve when Sadr's militia was called in specifically by the local authorities through a Baghdad office?
Generally, I've been discounting the claims that Sadr is losing control of his militia figuring that the distance between rhetoric and action was an artefact of Sadr's "double game" of politics and violence, but maybe not.
As dangerous as Sadr has been controlling the Mahdi army, I find myself terrified at the prospect of a loss of his control. For whatever else, he offered a central point for negotiations and pressure. A Sadr in control at least offered the possibility of a tamping down of the violence.
But if the Mahdi has shattered into rogue elements, no longer driven by an organizing "religious" force but instead by localized bloodletting hatred, there is no resolution.
(Interestingly, his fall from influence somewhat echoes Sistani's. Forced by his political needs to try to pull back the violence, he lost the front edge elements. The question is, will another unifying influence come in to gather those elements, and how violent will he have to be? Preaching peace is not popular. )
“People are bewildered because of the weak response by the Americans,” said one Balad resident who asked not to be identified for fear of reprisals. “They used to patrol the city every day, but when the violence started, we didn’t see any sign of them.”.....
American military commanders reviewing what happened over the weekend concluded that the situation in Balad was best dealt with by the Iraqi armed forces, a senior American military official said.
Please let it be Cornyn
Anyway, I'm really rooting for my state's shame, John Cornyn.
The next push from the White House
I would expect quite a push. If the White House wants to stem the fall and create a little trend back towards themselves before the election, this is the week.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Picture of the Day - 4

Men carry a body to a hospital morgue in Baquba, 65 km (40 miles) northeast of Baghdad October 14, 2006. The man was among the seven civilians killed after they were caught in crossfire during a gunfight between the Iraqi army and insurgents, police and witnesses said. REUTERS/Helmiy al-Azawi (IRAQ)
Yoohoo. Mr. Weldon....
Today, Agents raid homes of Rep. Weldon’s daughter, close friend.
(It's up to "six locations.") (The possibility here.)
This is ethnic cleansing
Sunni Muslims were fleeing across the Tigris River on Monday, trying to escape a four-day rampage of sectarian fighting in their Shiite-dominated home city north of Baghdad. At least 91 people have died — all but 17 of them Sunnis.
The shifting Republican "firewall"
On Friday, Time Magazine had an article saying they were giving up on Penn., Montana, and Rhode Island, and choosing to try and defend Missouri, Ohio, and Tennessee.
Today, the NYTimes writes of the "firewall," saying that Ohio(Dewine) has been written off, and the three to defend are Missouri, Tennessee, and Virginia.
The GOP burned Dewine like a cross in George Allen's college days.
(On Friday, Allen was thought safe. By Monday he wasn't.)
Also: The "douchebag of liberty" says the Republicans have given up on Rep. Reynolds seat.
Maliki refuses to go after militias - planning for his future?
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said in an interview with USA TODAY that his government will not force militias to disarm until later this year or early next year, despite escalating violence in Baghdad fueled by death squads and religious warfare.
Let's put this in a little context. With James Baker and the ISG talking about a "stability option" and using phrases like "representative government, not necessarily democracy," implying the removal of Maliki.....
With the president dropping the word "democratic" from his definition of victory in Iraq.....
With the growing rumors of a "national rescue government," with that idea even being credited to Condi Rice.....
Isn't Maliki's interest better served siding with the militias? If he wants to maintain power, isn't Maliki better off finding the backing of the Shia militias and encouraging their violence to force a US withdrawal?
Just yesterday Maliki "indefinitely postponed" the national reconciliation conference. Something happened during Condi Rice's recent trip to Baghdad, and Maliki's posture appears to have openly shifted.
(I may be wrong, just something to watch for.)
The Future for the Iraqis
The bottom line in all the discussions is that whatever change in course is taken, Iraq will not emerge a strong, stable, US friendly democracy. This is not really a surprise if you've been watching, but it does mark a massive redefinition.
The ISG's report is expected out "in early 2007."
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Tony Snow on the intellectual acumen of his boss
On the intellectual acumen of his boss: “He reminds me of one of those guys at the gym who plays about 40 chessboards at once.”
I often see people playing multiple board chess at the gym.
Also, just cause he's playing 40 games doesn't mean he's winning any of them. You could take me to "the gym" right now and I could lose 40 simultaneous games.
(Maybe that's the Bush version of an infinite number of monkeys.)
Iraq gets still worse
(WaPo) "The death toll in two days of bloody fighting between two Shiite and Sunni towns in the north rose to at least 80 on Sunday, a hospital official said, with more bodies allegedly lying in the streets and unable to be retrieved."
(The redeployment into Baghdad was intended to cut alot of the fuel to the sectarian violence. It hasn't. And now the violence has expanded rapidly into the mixed cities of the north.)
(AP) To top it off, Maliki has suspended the reconciliation conference INDEFINITELY.
(AP) Is it any wonder that more Republican Senators are openly calling for a course change? Hagel and Warner just this morning.
And the truly fightening this is that there is no event or action evident on the horizon to change the current trajectory.
Another article on an Iraqi "National Rescue Government"
The proposal, which is being widely discussed in political and intelligence circles in Baghdad, is to replace the Shi’ite-led government of Nouri al-Maliki, the prime minister, with a regime capable of imposing order and confronting the sectarian militias leading the country to the brink of civil war.
From casual observation, all public mentions of this seem to be coming primarily from the Sunni side.
I don't see how this actually happens within the greater politics of US involvement, but I'm noting this because the murmurs are growing louder and more public.
Cordesman may have the answer in the idea of the promotion of a strongman to a security post, head of the army, Interior Minister. (Isn't that how Saddam originally entered the power structure way back when?)
Picture of the Day - 2

Iraqi farmer Amer Dawood, front, and his brother Hashim lie at Baqouba hospital suffering gunshot wounds, Sunday, Oct 15, 2006. As Dawood and his two brothers traveled from Baqouba to Kurdish controlled territories in northern Iraq Sunday, where they sell their produce, they came under attack by unknown gunmen that left all three of them wounded. (AP Photo/Mohammed Adnan)
Civil War
On Friday, 17 Shiite laborers who had been hired to prune date palm trees in Duluiyah were kidnapped, police said. The workers' headless bodies were found outside the town later that day.
According to AP, the death toll in Balad is 46 Sunnis so far.
An indicator on Afghanistan
Seven dead in Taliban attacks across Afghanistan
A series of Taliban-linked attacks across Afghanistan has left seven people dead, including a provincial councillor who was shot dead on his way to work in the southern city of Kandahar.
Also: This troubling article in the Independent about the shortage of helicopters supporting the British troops.