Corruption Update.

I was talking with a friend last night, and I realized I hadn't really captured the scope of the corruption by this current version of the Republican party. (I'm really just after the criminal stuff here, so I'll leave out the Bill Bennett type stuff. And I really don't want to have to search all these down for the best links, so if you do, here is Googlenews, where all of these can be found quickly.)
Obviously, we've got the Rove/Libby Plame investigation.
And, quite obviously House Majority Leader Delay.
And, of course, Bill Frist is being investigated by the SEC for insider trading.
Let's not forget Franklin pleading guilty of spying in the DoD for Israel.
Then there's Abramoff, the uber lobbyist who corrupted both left and right, but mainly right who may go to jail.
And one of those indicted for crimes associated with Abramoff is David Safavian, who was the administrations top procurement officer.
Also, Timothy Flannigan, who was up for the number two spot at Justice, who pulled out because of questionable activities with Abramoff.
And Rep Duke Cunningham of Cal who bought and sold his house for near 100% profit a year after purchase to a defense contractor who just happened to get a major contract through Duke's committe.
And, quite quietly, Richard Perle has been caught up in the whole Hollinger/Conrad Black thing and has had to pay restitution to the corporation. Charges are still up in the air.
And we'll leave out the allegations of Bunnetine Price about corruption in the early days of the no bid contracts for Halliburton in Iraq, because she was demoted and reassigned and no one's investigating. Also, I'll leave out the convictions surrounding the Boeing tanker lease deal which was soooo crooked.
And, because I'm doubtful that any charges will ever be pursued, I'm forced to leave out the torture/rendition allegations against the administration. Yes, Italy and, briefly Germany, had standing charges surrounding renditions, but I doubt they will ever procede.
NOW, let me say, that this is not a complete list, just a quick 10 minute remembering. Also, think how much of this has come out without the presence of a special prosecutor. Can you imagine what would be coming out if there was a Ken Starr figure giving the Bush admin a six year rectal exam? (If you want to see that happen, vote dem in the midterms.)
Lastly, on the Dem side, there is the case of Rep Jefferson of Louisiana. Don't really know what he's being investigated for, but I think it's pretty serious, his home and offices have already been searched. He was the one who commandeered a squad of national guardsmen in the middle of Katrina to go and get some things out of his house. I don't think you do that unless there's really something to hide.
Anyway, that's the quick roundup. I'm sure there's more, but this should hit all the majors. And for now, this will have to do.