As a serious question, what does it say about that movement, this political moment, and the state of the Republican party that these are their heroes? That absolute certainty in ignorance seems to be a cherished value?
I mean, there are far more capable folks who are "right" on tea party issues, but I don't think there are many who are more "certain," belligerent, and willfully ignorant.
Is it a seeking of reassurance or reinforcement of a party rocked and in the wilderness that all those thinkers must be wrong? Is it looking for validation that "my ideas" are right and mainstream? Is it some weird "reality show" type dynamic?
So, seriously, put on your sociologist's/political scientist's hat, and tell me what's going on. What is the dynamic that's valuing certainty over everything else? What is the dynamic (that Bush tapped into) that says that knowledge is bad?