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Born at the Crest of the Empire

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The torture/detainee bill signing undermined by Foley

I find myself wondering about the odd coincidence that Foley and his lawyer held their press conference on the same day that Bush signed the torture/detainee bill.

The Republican plan was to use this signing as a political turning point to "refocus" the campaign.
Stabbing furiously at thick slabs of Ahi tuna, Mehlman laid out the national themes, which boil down to The Three Ts: Terrorists, Tax Cuts and Traditionalist judges.

The idea is to suggest stark “choices” on all three, beginning with a White House signing ceremony for the new legislation that governs the interrogation and trial of “detainees” accused of terrorism.

Then Foley and his lawyer declared a press conference announcing nothing really. (The statement was that they were going to, at a later date, give up the name of the priest.) They could've announced this yesterday, a week ago, or most logically on the day they actually passed the name.

But instead, Foley takes the headlines from this politically critical signing ceremony. Is that just bad GOP luck or is Foley doing this on purpose?

Maybe I've just got the tinfoil hat on too tight. It's been pinching a little lately.

Update: The wires right now are N.Korea number one with these 2 and 3. Neither are in the top stories of WaPo or NYTimes.


  • I'm just the opposite I guess. I heard nothing about the Foley press conference. The dictator wannabe, however, is consuming me. Go figure.

    By Blogger Chuck, at 9:51 PM  

  • Maybe it's just because it cut in on Hardball.

    The wires are carrying these stories 2 and 3.


    By Blogger mikevotes, at 10:42 PM  

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