ISG rules out victory in Iraq
Bush's own handpicked Iraq Survey Group is ruling out American victory in Iraq, and advising against democracy.
And they're holding this plan until after the election.
How would you like to be the last soldier to die for a Republican majority?
Later: So, the plan is to abandon democracy in Iraq in place of something termed "representative." Sadly, probably the best answer for geoplolitical "stability" although not necessarily for the Iraqi people.
Maybe the "stability option" confirms the story below about Condi Rice's threat to Maliki to install a "National Rescue Government."
I've been thinking alot about the potential "breakup" under the Federalism legislation passed last night, and it's a nightmare scenario. A poverty stricken Sunni west incubating terrorists, a Kurdish north devolving into open war with the Turks, and indirect Iranian control of the combined Iranian/Iraqi oilfields.
So, instead, we're going to replace Saddam with an Iranian influenced Shia strongman sitting right north of the Saudi oil fields.
Tell me again about the freedom. Tell me again about the "shining beacon" that will ripple democracy throughout the middle east. Tell me again how this war has made us safer for generations.
WASHINGTON — A commission formed to assess the Iraq war and recommend a new course has ruled out the prospect of victory for America, according to draft policy options shared with The New York Sun by commission officials.
Currently, the 10-member commission — headed by a secretary of state for President George H.W. Bush, James Baker — is considering two option papers, "Stability First" and "Redeploy and Contain," both of which rule out any prospect of making Iraq a stable democracy in the near term.
More telling, however, is the ruling out of two options last month. One advocated minor fixes to the current war plan but kept intact the long-term vision of democracy in Iraq with regular elections. The second proposed that coalition forces focus their attacks only on Al Qaeda and not the wider insurgency.
Instead, the commission is headed toward presenting President Bush with two clear policy choices that contradict his rhetoric of establishing democracy in Iraq. The more palatable of the two choices for the White House, "Stability First," argues that the military should focus on stabilizing Baghdad while the American Embassy should work toward political accommodation with insurgents. The goal of nurturing a democracy in Iraq is dropped.
And they're holding this plan until after the election.
How would you like to be the last soldier to die for a Republican majority?
Later: So, the plan is to abandon democracy in Iraq in place of something termed "representative." Sadly, probably the best answer for geoplolitical "stability" although not necessarily for the Iraqi people.
Maybe the "stability option" confirms the story below about Condi Rice's threat to Maliki to install a "National Rescue Government."
I've been thinking alot about the potential "breakup" under the Federalism legislation passed last night, and it's a nightmare scenario. A poverty stricken Sunni west incubating terrorists, a Kurdish north devolving into open war with the Turks, and indirect Iranian control of the combined Iranian/Iraqi oilfields.
So, instead, we're going to replace Saddam with an Iranian influenced Shia strongman sitting right north of the Saudi oil fields.
Tell me again about the freedom. Tell me again about the "shining beacon" that will ripple democracy throughout the middle east. Tell me again how this war has made us safer for generations.
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Yukkione, at 9:35 PM
We need to address mechanisms by which we can remove a sitting President fro gross incompetence. Impeachment only works fro crimes. Incompetence by it;self may not be criminal but it's overwhelming harm should be reason enough. These bastard have to go.
Yukkione, at 9:37 PM
The way I understood it, the group was formed by a Republican Senator after he returned from Iraq a couple of years ago. Not nitpicking, just thought it made a slight difference in the tone of the post.
But if Bakers group is flat out saying Iraq is unwinnable now..the dye is cast and we need to get the hell out ASAP. I heard tonight the British Military Leader has called for the removal of all British troops asap. That doesn't bode well for the Shrub either..
Unknown, at 10:03 PM
Agreed. I don't know if there is any incompetence measure. I know if he's incapacitated, there's a process....
But I do feel quite sure there are crimes. Crimes they have yet to make retroactively legal.
A Dem Senate or House will undertake the investigations with subpoena power and perjury threat. That's the next step.
mikevotes, at 10:07 PM
Dusty, it's true that this was formed by an amendment to a defense supplemental which required a bipartisan committee to be set, but it was my understanding that Baker was Bush's call.
I may be wrong.
Also, there was this report last week, suggesting the level of "independence."
Even while heading the commission, Mr. Baker has been talking to President Bush regularly and is unlikely to issue suggestions that the president has not tacitly approved.
Baker's job is to give Bush an excuse to change policy.
mikevotes, at 10:33 PM
Speaking of an excuse to change policy, I can't help but to think that seeds are being planted all over.
Frist's comments on Afghanistan. (wrong war but what he said is telling).
The recent poll approved by the State Dept. showing that Iraqis want us out.
Giving up on Anbar.
Now this study and the "wise old Baker" who commands a lot of respect.
This is all a set up for the begining of withdrawl, but of course not until after the election.
Praguetwin, at 4:54 AM
Yeah, the groundwork is being laid, although I don't see much groundwork that allows a declaration of victory, which is interesting.
I'm not sure about Afghanistan, although this story yesterday, where Musharraf says NATO is going to copy his tribal deal might be some evidence. But I'm not sure I believe Musharraf.
mikevotes, at 7:24 AM
That is interesting. I imagine that Frist's statements play into Musharraf's claim. Who knows how much of this is planned?
The victory has already been claimed. So long as the Taleban and Saddam are not heads of state, well, I guess the main thrust of the job is done.
"Not much more we can do here. Now it is up to the locals. We've done our part."
That will be the battle cry as drawdowns start (after the election).
Praguetwin, at 10:27 AM
I found this comment through a mutual aquaintance, LeftOfCenter. Do you mind if I provide a link to this particular post on our blog?
BibleBelted, at 10:58 AM
That would be an arguable definition of victory if that's what they want, but as things turned to crap it would be hard to maintain that position.
Of course. Links are the lifeblood of blogging. That's the whole beauty of the medium.
mikevotes, at 11:26 AM
If the voters of this country don't banish the Republican Party from national life for at least three generations and relegate these bastards to less than a minority party, something akin to Libertarians, I have no hope for the United States of America.
These bastards deserve political obscurity of the sort that the Bull Moose Party currently enjoys in the United States. Which is to say, anyone who votes Republican for the next 100 years ought to be shunned as we would shun a child molester.
Which is, come to think of it, perfectly appropriate for these closeted perverts
NEWSGUY, at 1:11 AM
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