Rove informs White House he will be indicted!!!
Jason Leopold filed late this Friday afternoon, answering at least some of our questions.
If it is to be filed under seal, it is possible that Rove has already been indicted.
There are two different mentions in this article which confirm my belief that the investigation will continue on after Karl Rove. One is Jason's mention that the indictment will be returned under seal, which would imply an effort to keep the details from interfering with a further ongoing investigation, and the other is the very deliberate description of closing the "Rove case," not "closing the investigation."
Also, notice that "Fitzgerald has already presented the charges to the grand jury." And, if Rove doesn't resign until it's announced, will he continue to work at the White House if the indictment is under seal? Will our first official knowledge of this come out of an announcement or resignation? Hmmmm....
Within the last week, Karl Rove told President Bush and Chief of Staff Joshua Bolten, as well as a few other high level administration officials, that he will be indicted in the CIA leak case and will immediately resign his White House job when the special counsel publicly announces the charges against him, according to sources......
Late Thursday afternoon and early Friday morning, several White House officials were bracing for the possibility that Fitzgerald would call a news conference and announce a Rove indictment today following the prosecutor's meeting with the grand jury this morning. However, sources close to the probe said that is unlikely to happen, despite the fact that Fitzgerald has already presented the grand jury with a list of charges against Rove. If an indictment is returned by the grand jury, it will be filed under seal.
If it is to be filed under seal, it is possible that Rove has already been indicted.
There are two different mentions in this article which confirm my belief that the investigation will continue on after Karl Rove. One is Jason's mention that the indictment will be returned under seal, which would imply an effort to keep the details from interfering with a further ongoing investigation, and the other is the very deliberate description of closing the "Rove case," not "closing the investigation."
Also, notice that "Fitzgerald has already presented the charges to the grand jury." And, if Rove doesn't resign until it's announced, will he continue to work at the White House if the indictment is under seal? Will our first official knowledge of this come out of an announcement or resignation? Hmmmm....
Is it almost Fitzmorial Day.
I have surfed around and haven't found any confirmation of this story yet.
I sure hope it is true. And if it is Rove has to resign immediately. He can no longer have access to the inner working of the Whitehouse with Bush knowing of his indictments.
That is even too brazen for old George.
left-over, at 6:54 PM
I'm off to Spec's for some celebratory refreshments.
Mike you get these stories before anyone else, are you interested in an NSA job?
Anonymous, at 6:58 PM
Now there's a headline I can get behind.
Anonymous, at 7:30 PM
Perhaps Monday's prime time speech is to announce our impending invasion of Iran, to ditract from the whole Rove thing. Is it too late to change my date for your Iran invasion contest?
Lew Scannon, at 8:54 PM
you're probably not going to get confirmation anytime soon. Jason Leopold has some sources that talk to him, I don't know who, but he's been out in front of everybody on this story for awhile by a good ways.
To my knowledge, since I've been watching him shortly after the Libby indictment, nothing he has reported has been proven false, although alot of it stands at the unconfirmed stage. Like the John Hannah cooperating story. Might be true, we don't know.
So, you'll find other blogs commenting on this story, but I dount that you'll see independent reporting immediately. Dude has had the sources on this story. The only one seemingly reporting on what's going on in Fitzgerald's camp.
Mustard, no, the NSA won't take me because I have a big mouth. For some reason way back in August I became obsessed by this story, and have been following it very closely ever since. I think it was the realization that I was covering this generation's watergate/Nixon presidency. I mean, how great would it have been to blog the front line stories on watergate, trying to put the puzzle pieces together.
I'm just fascinated by this saga, this coverup, this story.
Kvatch, yeah, same. I do put some pretty good creedence in Jason's reporting. We've electronically talked a couple of times, and I believe the guy. He used to come by the blog here occasionally, but I haven't heard from him in awhile, though. I used to link all the Plame mentions in all the press and blogs, so I figure he came by for that, but now that he's gotten so far out in front, he's writing all the stories, so I'm guessing he doesn't need me anymore.
Before the digression, my point was, tepid excitement.
mikevotes, at 8:59 PM
Feeling the tide shift beneath my's sort of like a pendulum that has to change direction and swing back the other way sometime.
zen, at 9:25 PM
Never Lew, feel free to change.
Here's the link.
I figured I'd bring it back up for a rerun when the UN comes to some sort of vote. (if it ever does...)
And on the speech, I do think it's on immigration. I was watching hardball tonight and Joe Scarborough (of the dead lady in his congressional office fame) made a pretty reasonable argument that it's going to be the first step in a lurch rightward to try to gain back some base and stop the poll slide.
Assuming some other bad news doesn't break first.
mikevotes, at 9:25 PM
Yeah I guess confirmation was the wrong word to use.
I'm just trying not to get too excited, only to see Rove wiggle his way out somehow.
Still waiting for Fitz to say the magic words.
Thanks for your timely and incitefull commentary. Great work.
left-over, at 9:32 PM
That's the killer thing about this article is that it implies there's a fair chance the damn indictment may be sealed, so we're not going to hear the Fitzgerald side.
At best, we're going to get the White House/Rove version with no contradiction to anything they say.
That does mean that the investigation is going to go on, but still....
My guess right now is that the next stage is the attempted detruction of the 250 "missing" emails. And then, I really think that Fitzgerald may go after a conspiracy for outing Plame possibly including Rove and Libby. All of this may be prelude, a clearing of the coverup before Fitzgerald goes after the underlying crime.
At this point, that's all just hunch, but that's what my little voice is telling me. But it must be said, he's often wrong.
mikevotes, at 9:40 PM
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