Race War
It appears the people at FoxNews have perceived a collapse of support for the president as a threat to themselves and the white race. How long until we get Nazi-like depictions of Mexicans morphing into rats? Think I'm kidding?
First there was John Gibson last Thursday on his national television show, saying "Hispanics are having more kids and others, notably the ones Hispanics call gabachos — white people — are having fewer..... To put it bluntly: We need more babies."
He frames this as an American issue, but clearly in the context of his piece the problem is non-white babies, so when he says "Americans" and "we" he is obviously only referring to white Americans.(If you think it's out of context, here's the original on the Foxnews website.)
Today, O'Reilly said "That's because the newspaper(NYTimes) and many far-left thinkers believe the white power structure that controls America is bad, so a drastic change is needed. According to the lefty zealots, the white Christians who hold power must be swept out by a new multicultural tide, a rainbow coalition, if you will. This can only happen if demographics change in America."
Oh, and I forgot all about former Fox commentator/new Bush press secretary Tony Snow discussing the tar baby yesterday.
See, at FoxNews, Americans are only white and Christian. Hispanics are not Americans and we must out-reproduce them so that "we" will win.
White Christian Americans are the only ones who should hold power and any effort to alter this is the work of zealots.
And apparently, the White House press secretary doesn't think Disney's "Song of the South", where Uncle Remus discusses the joys of living on a plantation, was that bad. Zipadeedoodah....
I think it's really telling that the FoxNews heads, and by extrapolation FoxNews Republicans, see attacks on them as attacks on their race. It really shows the filter through which they view the world. I had predicted the ugliest midterm election ever, but how far past Willie Horton are we? And it's still only May.....
Dear FoxNews, we don't hate you because you're white, we hate you because you're evil and wrong. (By the way, what does it take to get fired over there?) - signed America.
- Or - "Mr. Duke, I have a call for you on line two, it's FoxNews and they want you to do a show."
First there was John Gibson last Thursday on his national television show, saying "Hispanics are having more kids and others, notably the ones Hispanics call gabachos — white people — are having fewer..... To put it bluntly: We need more babies."
He frames this as an American issue, but clearly in the context of his piece the problem is non-white babies, so when he says "Americans" and "we" he is obviously only referring to white Americans.(If you think it's out of context, here's the original on the Foxnews website.)
Today, O'Reilly said "That's because the newspaper(NYTimes) and many far-left thinkers believe the white power structure that controls America is bad, so a drastic change is needed. According to the lefty zealots, the white Christians who hold power must be swept out by a new multicultural tide, a rainbow coalition, if you will. This can only happen if demographics change in America."
Oh, and I forgot all about former Fox commentator/new Bush press secretary Tony Snow discussing the tar baby yesterday.
See, at FoxNews, Americans are only white and Christian. Hispanics are not Americans and we must out-reproduce them so that "we" will win.
White Christian Americans are the only ones who should hold power and any effort to alter this is the work of zealots.
And apparently, the White House press secretary doesn't think Disney's "Song of the South", where Uncle Remus discusses the joys of living on a plantation, was that bad. Zipadeedoodah....
I think it's really telling that the FoxNews heads, and by extrapolation FoxNews Republicans, see attacks on them as attacks on their race. It really shows the filter through which they view the world. I had predicted the ugliest midterm election ever, but how far past Willie Horton are we? And it's still only May.....
Dear FoxNews, we don't hate you because you're white, we hate you because you're evil and wrong. (By the way, what does it take to get fired over there?) - signed America.
- Or - "Mr. Duke, I have a call for you on line two, it's FoxNews and they want you to do a show."
Yep, we saw it coming. Long about Labor Day, we will start seeing some very nasty campaign ads in close races. The Willie Horton ads of old will morph into something with more of a salsa flavor.
Anonymous, at 6:40 PM
Time for some pre-emptive coalition building around REAL American values, not the pull-it-out-your-ass "values" made up by the Christianists and racists.
-epm, at 7:07 PM
I'n sure Rupert will have them into re-education camps within days.
It must be a difficult task turning around the thoughts of mindless minions.
Cartledge, at 7:15 PM
This, I believe has been the underlying reason for the anti-choice movement, abortion kills more white babies than other ones, as more white folk can afford to have the procedure performed.
Lew Scannon, at 10:10 PM
John Aravosis had a good post today, Mexican as the new fag.
I agree Mustard that we're going to see the shots of Mexicans in weird black and white shadow, "Candidate x doesn't think immigrants are a problem."
EPM, I occasionally find myself wondering how they got dfrom Jesus to this.
Cartledge, any slam on Murdoch is welcomed here.
And Lew, I have no idea. But, be aware that early planned parenthood was partially backed by eugenicists who saw it as a way of slowing the reproduction of the "less fit."
All I've been thinking tonight is what the off camera/hallway "you gotta hear this" are like.
And, I was kinda serious about the portrayal of illegals as rats. I doubt it would be bald faced, but look for the coded language, "the plague of immigration," "out of control reproduction."
mikevotes, at 11:02 PM
I'm willing to take your last point on overpopulation as an argument, I might even agree with it, but it's the racial component in which these were presented that bugged me so much.
I wouldn't doubt that O'Reilly and Gibson were discussing the Heritage report. In Gibson's case, I gave you the link for the exact piece the way he wanted it written. (I didn't check to see if the televised version was exactly the same.) With O'reilly, the transcript wasn't up when I wrote this, so it may be a bit out of context although it is from a several paragraph excerpt.
Perhaps they intended to discuss the Heritage report seperate from it's racial component, but they didn't. (I haven't read the report through yet, so I'll take your word that it is race independent. I think Gibson was discussing the WaPo article.)
My beef was that they showed their underlying bias that America somehow was destined by god to be a white christian nation and, in Gibson's case, that white babies are somehow more American, in O'reilly's case, the implication that anything other than White Christians on at the wheels of power is somehow unamerican.
Thanks, that's a really good comment. It challenged me and made me think through rational discussion, I love that!!!!
(And you directed me to more information which is also really cool.)
And as for overpopulation as an issue seperate from race, I'm willing to engage in that discussion. I haven't read the Heritage report, at this point, but I would argue that mainlined immigrants, no matter what the method, would also contribute to the tax base. Haven't run the numbers, I don't know if that would offset social services spending, but do take into account that the Heritage foundation has a long history of going after social programs and that may have factored into their analysis.
Thanks again.
mikevotes, at 7:40 AM
I saw the report. It was a tag-along to an piece about Europe being overtaken by Islam. I didn't feel much of a racist tone to the story, more of religious one....at heart, we are a Christian nation. And, contrary to some people's belief system, a tenant of Christianity is 'spread the word'. Europe, France and England especially, are seeing issues because of a clash of religious cultures....we see it here occasionally....the girl that is raped because 'she's an infidel, she wasn't wearing the burka, it's part of our culture'. Things like honor killings--the murder of a rape victim to save the family's 'honor' are part of a culture that we don't want any part of....and that's what the gist of the front story was.
Don't get caught up in the trap of yelling 'racism' everytime someone brings up the issue in a intelligent discussion. That's bullshit political correctness (otherwise known as, let's call this person names till they stop talking about something that I don't like.)
Brass Pear, at 10:37 AM
Leo, you're right.
I wasn't attacking the original Heritage report(I still haven't read it), more the way that the FoxNews guys reacted. If you want to talk about the social impacts that immigration has on our country, I think that's a very important discussion that's really not going on, but when the argument is reduced to a racial race of reproduction, where "we" have to produce more white babies to save "america," I am going to call racism on that.
And, just so you know, I have a very emotional gut reaction to racism. The unfairness of it goes against the very ideals of meritocracy that I believe America should be.
Again, if we want to talk about the societal impacts of immigration, I think that's a valid debate that should be far mor foward in the current coverage of immigration. But, if your argument is about preserving white christian hegemony, I am going to take issue with that because that's not the America I was brought up to believe in.
I don't know if that satisifes you, I hope it at least helps elaborate my thinking.
mikevotes, at 10:51 AM
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