Brilliant blogging.
I don't always agree with her, but Georgia10 over at DailyKos is a brilliant blogger.
Take off your partisan hat for a moment. Leave politics at the door. Conservatives, liberals, and moderates who are reading this blog, I ask you, nearly five years after the September 11th attacks, how can we say we are winning the war on terror? How can we declare success when we have allowed terror to so greatly redefine American society?
I like Georgia10 writing alot..(though I find KOS in general less appealing as it becomes more and more a vehical for Egos and narrowly defined views.) Her observations and aurgumnet are quite well constructed, and her ability to express them is amazing.. She is only 23.
Yukkione, at 9:44 PM
I'm not a big Kos fan, but when I visit, her writing almost always catches my eye.
23. Maybe she should look into speechwriting. That's a career path where she could work her politics.
mikevotes, at 9:58 PM
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