Are Republican trying to "Dan Rather" the Saddam Al Qaeda link?
As the administration has faced increased criticism for the Iraq war and has been forced to backtrack on all the loose associations they claim they never made about Saddam and Al Qaeda, is this an effort by the administration to get right wing bloggers to do their heavy lifting for them?
I don't know why this bothers me so much. Perhaps it's the transparency of it, especially considering the the fact that every real attempt at an investigation into prewar intel has been blocked by these same Republicans. I'm looking at you Pat Roberts.
ALSO: Take note of this interesting little inclusion near the bottom.
Less than two weeks into the project, and with only 600 out of possibly a million documents and video and audio files posted, some conservative bloggers are already asserting that the material undermines the official view.I guess when you've been called on the lie enough, it's time to call in the "unaffiliated" swiftboaters to do the lying for you.
I don't know why this bothers me so much. Perhaps it's the transparency of it, especially considering the the fact that every real attempt at an investigation into prewar intel has been blocked by these same Republicans. I'm looking at you Pat Roberts.
ALSO: Take note of this interesting little inclusion near the bottom.
In addition, the intelligence official said, known forgeries are not posted. He said the database included "a fair amount of forgeries," sold by Iraqi hustlers or concocted by Iraqis opposed to Mr. Hussein.
yeah, the right wing sites are all claiming Saddam had ties to OBL. if it was reliable, the white house would have commercials about it by now
Graeme, at 11:46 AM
I think the idea here is to solidify the base to stop the poll rot. Give them some data that they can twist into support. It doesn't take much for the freepers or Drudge to tout the praises of Bush.
It's about clouding the issue so that those that want to believe in Bush can dismiss the truth amidst the false confusion.
mikevotes, at 3:09 PM
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