The building anti-Republican wave
We're so far from the midterm elections, with so many events yet to intervene, that I think trying to forecast them is pretty foolish. BUT, those perceptions and forecasts, regardless of their accuracy, do have very real impacts on current politics and policy. So, when I see something like this Time magazine article, it does catch my eye.
If that's the conventional wisdom, tell me that isn't going to shape US politics and policies for the next six months.
If the midterm elections were held today, top strategists of both parties say privately, the Republicans would probably lose the 15 seats they need to keep control of the House of Representatives....
Iraq is driving nearly all the big indicators the wrong way for Republicans. In a Time poll conducted last week, Bush's job approval rating was mired at 39%; 3 in 5 Americans said the country is headed in the wrong direction, and when those surveyed were given the choice between a generic Republican and a generic Democrat for Congress, the nameless Democrat won, 50% to 41%. The signs suggest an anti-Republican wave is building, says nonpartisan electoral handicapper Stuart Rothenberg, whose Rothenberg Political Report is closely followed in Washington. "The only question is how high, how big, how much force it will have. I think it will be considerable." The danger signs for Republicans show up across the electoral map....
That's one reason Republican strategists say they plan to battle the national tide by localizing individual races. Localizing suggests drawing voters' attention to the issues that most affect them at home. But in practice, to political operatives it means putting an opponent through the shredder. Republicans plan to go after Democratic challengers with every bit of ammunition they can find, from old tax liens to long-ago votes to raise local taxes.....
If that's the conventional wisdom, tell me that isn't going to shape US politics and policies for the next six months.
in that same TIME article, Newt Gingrich suggested Democrats run the 2006 midterms using the slogan "Had enough?"
I think that's a brilliant slogan, actually.
As for the conventional wisdom that "Republicans are defintely losing seats in the midterms though the exact number has yet to be determined," that meme sure as hell beats the "Democrats don't stand for anything" or "Democrats are so divided" memes.
BTW, speaking of conventional wisdom, the dean of it, David Broder, suggested today on MTP that if Democrats were responsible they would come up with some policy before the midterms so people would know what they stand for.
But Charlie Cook slapped Broder down, saying it would be crazy for the minority party to issue policy statements. Cook said the best part about being the minority party is you can throw rocks instead of issuing policy. He also noted that if Democrats issued policy statements now they would simply give Rove and the GOP some fresh targets to aim at, taking the heat off the GOP.
I have to say, it was nice to finally have that piece of conventional wisdom that Democrats need to issue some sort of Contract w/ America kind of statement 7 months before the midterms knocked down on MTP.
Frankly Democrats should simply say "Had enough of deficit spending, outsourcing, bullshit wedge issues, being misled into war, bungled hirricane responses, bungled war plans, cronyism, corruption, etc.?"
Reality-Based Educator, at 4:34 PM
I saw the Charlie Cook as well, also on CNN, there was another analyst who echoed roughly the same point.
And, I don't think we can thank Gingrich enough for the slogan, but why? Why is he working against the whitehouse here?
If this were to catch on, he'd be making alot of enemies on the national Republican circuit. Is it a move to break the Republicans so he can be a savior? Has he given up on being a politician and using this as a free advertisement to very publicly start a political consultancy? (I disagree with his politics, but I'd hire him.) Is he using this as some sort of a set up so the Republicans can come in behind and whack it down?
I just don't know. Why?
mikevotes, at 5:14 PM
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