Had Enough?
Reality-Based Educator pointed something out in the article in the previous post that I had just glossed over.(thanks, by the way.)
I think it works. I think it sums up all the questions and cronyism and mistakes and incompetence of the Bush administration in one tidy memorable phrase. It attacks through assumption, offering no position or argument for counterattack.
See, this is the kind of thing the Dems don't do well. Being so used to being attacked, they just assume that they have to explain all their positions in excruciating detail, and, by not using this kind of "assumptive speech," their explanations reinforce the feeling that their position is not the majority view.
My only concern is why. Why is Gingrich offering this little gem to the Democrats?
If this were to catch on, he'd be making alot of enemies on the national Republican circuit. Is it a move to break the Republicans in 2006 so he can return as the "back to basics" ideological savior in 2008?
Has he given up on being a politician and using this as a free advertisement to very publicly start a political consultancy? (I disagree with his politics, but he's good. I'd hire him.) Is he using this as some sort of a set up so the Republicans can come in behind and whack it down? Just said as a casual aside? Trying to take credit for something that's yet to be released by the Dems?
Despite the motivation, I have to marvel at the political genius of it. The campaign speech almost writes itself. Take a look at this post by Reality-Based Educator to see what I mean. Just freakin' brilliant. Print those posters tonight, Dammit!
Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, who masterminded the 1994 elections that brought Republicans to power on promises of revolutionizing the way Washington is run, told TIME that his party has so bungled the job of governing that the best campaign slogan for Democrats today could be boiled down to just two words: "Had enough?"
I think it works. I think it sums up all the questions and cronyism and mistakes and incompetence of the Bush administration in one tidy memorable phrase. It attacks through assumption, offering no position or argument for counterattack.
See, this is the kind of thing the Dems don't do well. Being so used to being attacked, they just assume that they have to explain all their positions in excruciating detail, and, by not using this kind of "assumptive speech," their explanations reinforce the feeling that their position is not the majority view.
My only concern is why. Why is Gingrich offering this little gem to the Democrats?
If this were to catch on, he'd be making alot of enemies on the national Republican circuit. Is it a move to break the Republicans in 2006 so he can return as the "back to basics" ideological savior in 2008?
Has he given up on being a politician and using this as a free advertisement to very publicly start a political consultancy? (I disagree with his politics, but he's good. I'd hire him.) Is he using this as some sort of a set up so the Republicans can come in behind and whack it down? Just said as a casual aside? Trying to take credit for something that's yet to be released by the Dems?
Despite the motivation, I have to marvel at the political genius of it. The campaign speech almost writes itself. Take a look at this post by Reality-Based Educator to see what I mean. Just freakin' brilliant. Print those posters tonight, Dammit!
I think it would require a back bone to run such a bold campaign, and unfortunately, the Democrats have shown themselves to be as spineless as they come. Except Feingold.
Lew Scannon, at 8:49 PM
I don't know. I'm beginning to be of the belief that they are keeping their powder dry. I know that runs against what TV tells me, but if they introduced the big rollout now, it would grow stale by election time, and it would also give the Republicans time to play around to find a good response.
mikevotes, at 9:12 PM
This month's Atlantic magazine has a long takeout on Gingrich. He appears to be actually a really smart guy, curious, even unlike Dubya. It is a mystery why a guy with this much brainpower is a Republican. I like the 'had enough' slogan. The Dems ought to adopt it.
Also, speaking of Indiana (see above) this morning's Sunday LA Times had a front page piece on how Indiana Republicans may actually have had enough. Of the war that is...and it is worrying Republicans.
NEWSGUY, at 10:13 PM
I actually like Gingrich because he is smart and has a bit of a sense of humor.
That doesn't mean I trust him, and Mike's point about Newt's motivation for providing the Dems with a usable 2006 slogan is a good one.
I think Gingrich does want to come back in 2008 as the savior of the party who returns it to its "Reaganesque" principles.
Which obviously puts him at odds with Rove/Bush who see themselves as true legacies of the Gipper.
Reality-Based Educator, at 5:47 AM
Look. No one ever questioned whether Gigrich was smart. Or effective. But in some regards, he is the devil. He was integral to the whole "welfare queens" racial slur as example.
I find him smart and very insightful. I just don't want him in any position where he sets policy.
mikevotes, at 8:43 AM
You're right about the "welfare queen" racial slur, Mike.
You're also right about not wanting him in any position where he gets to set policy.
But strangely enough, Gingrich doesn't get under my skin the way others in the GOP/wingnuttia do (e.g., Frist, Allen, Hatch, McConnell, Delay, Hastert, and a host of others.)
Maybe it's because he's out of power and has been largely discarded by the GOP. Maybe it's because I'm nostalgic for the 90's again.
But either way, you're right about him being the devil and right to question his motives whenever he offers any advice to the other side.
Reality-Based Educator, at 9:05 AM
I think part of it is that he's fairly honest. We don't get that much in politicians, so it has an endearing quality. He says what he's going to do and then bludgeons his way through it.
And reflected against the position and spin style of politics it's such a stark contrast. That's one of the reasons Feingold gets such deep emotional support while Hillary or Kerry get surface support.
mikevotes, at 5:15 PM
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