"Heck of a Job" again.
A more media savy president would have banished this from his lexicon.
The real headline of the story was this: (In an interview with Brit Hume on Fox News)
Asked if Rumsfeld will stay through the second term, Bush said: "Well, end of my term is a long time, but I tell you, he's done a heck of a good job and I have no intention of changing him."
The real headline of the story was this: (In an interview with Brit Hume on Fox News)
President Bush said yesterday he is confident that former House majority leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) is innocent of money-laundering charges, as he offered strong support for several top Republicans who have been battered by investigations or by rumors of fading clout inside the White House.And he repeats the lie that Abramoff gave equally to both parties. (Now Abramoff's charitable givings are under question. It seems he reported to the IRS that he gave $330,000 to charities in 2002 who claim they never saw a dime of it. Where did that money go?)
Oh they've ALL done one heckuva job alright, if the job description includes crookedness and incompetence.
Neil Shakespeare, at 7:49 AM
That story in the American-Statesman implies that some of that money went to DeLay's "charity."
the spook, at 2:37 PM
I have not kept up on all the specific details of the Abramoff case the way I have with Plame. I think it's gonna be important as the "2" in the 1 - 2 knockout combination for the republican majority, but once it became apparent that a couple of the rats had turned, it's really now just down to the prosecutor's plodding it all out and then telling us the story.
But some of the details I do run across are so wild. I read that Austin American statesman piece, but didn't link to it because it's subscription. It's the fact that it's legal and normal practice for congressmen to call up lobbyists and, basically extort contributions that got me going on this particular instance.
And Leslie, that's the way it works in sports teams. It's calle the dreaded vote of confidence. It's usually the last ditch effort by the owner to convince people that the coach still has authority.
But working on that model, one more loss, and Rumsfeld's gone.
mikevotes, at 5:28 PM
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