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Born at the Crest of the Empire

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


The Pentagon is running a $300 million psyop to plant stories in the foreign press "including in allied nations and in countries where the United States is not involved in armed conflict." - USA Today.

Dick Marty, a Swiss Senator who is who is heading up a Council of Europe investigation into the secret prisons the US government has been running in Eastern Europe, has come to the preliminary conclusion that U.S. intelligence operatives have abducted and transferred terrorism suspects in Europe "without respect for any legal standards."

Apparently the Bush administration recognizes Ecoterror and Narcoterror, but doesn't recognize blowing up abortion clinics as all that serious. (Alexander said he believed the Bush administration wanted to secure a death sentence in a domestic terrorism case, but acknowledged that the government "wouldn't necessarily want to make a martyr out of Eric Rudolph.")

John Aravosis(Americablog) won, as did we all, in getting Ford to ignore the religious right's efforts to stop Ford from advertising in gay publications.


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