My Governor again makes my state a world laughing stock
In his effort to placate his far right supporters and win what looks to be a tight primary race, my Governor, Rick Perry, has put the Christian crazies in position to screw with the state school curriculum.
If you'll remember, just a couple months ago, Perry appointed folks went after evolution, making national news.
Now, they want to insert God into social studies.
I never thought I'd find myself rooting for, and possibly crossing over and voting for, the nothing candidate Kay Bailey Hutchinson, but this Rick Perry crap really has to be stopped.
If you'll remember, just a couple months ago, Perry appointed folks went after evolution, making national news.
Now, they want to insert God into social studies.
The Christian right is making a fresh push to force religion onto the school curriculum in Texas with the state's education board about to consider recommendations that children be taught that there would be no United States if it had not been for God.....
One of the panel, David Barton, founder of a Christian heritage group called WallBuilders, argues that the curriculum should reflect the fact that the US Constitution was written with God in mind including that "there is a fixed moral law derived from God and nature", that "there is a creator" and "government exists primarily to protect God-given rights to every individual".
I never thought I'd find myself rooting for, and possibly crossing over and voting for, the nothing candidate Kay Bailey Hutchinson, but this Rick Perry crap really has to be stopped.
Really. This is how the Taliban started.
-epm, at 8:56 AM
Well, not exactly, but they did form around this type of issue.
The Taleban really formed when the ISI, Saudis, and US organized and formed an entire movement, backed by a fundamentalist Wahabist school system....
Oh, wait... Maybe this is how it started.
mikevotes, at 10:06 AM
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