Viva la Evolucion
The evolution "battle" has now come to my state in what could be the biggest victory yet for the flat-earthers. My state's second shame, Gov. Rick Perry, has partially stacked the state school board with creationists and they're going to try and push evolutionary "critical thinking" into the statewide curriculum.
The truly disgusting part of all this is that the conditions for this travesty have more to do with an embattled Gov. Perry fighting off a primary challenger by swinging wildly right than any true commitment to the issue.
I'm not really a fan of Kay Bailey Hutchinson, but I'm pulling for her more every day.
The truly disgusting part of all this is that the conditions for this travesty have more to do with an embattled Gov. Perry fighting off a primary challenger by swinging wildly right than any true commitment to the issue.
I'm not really a fan of Kay Bailey Hutchinson, but I'm pulling for her more every day.
This is a joke... right? I swear to god there's something wrong with a whole vein of Americans. It's like a zombie movie where only some people are infected, but others are immune. But instead of zombie-itis it's knuckle-dragging stupidity.
-epm, at 7:52 AM
Sadly, it's not a joke. On the bright side, there are a number of Republican appointees against.
Frankly, the head of the board was a cater to some crazy constituency, and because he's the head, he can bring this up. We'll have to wait and seen how it turns out.
mikevotes, at 7:57 AM
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