Desperate not to let torture get the cases thrown out
Regarding the six detainees charged with 9/11.
Imagine how this reads if the interrogating power wasn't our country, but Iran, Russia, or Zimbabwe.
"After torturing the detainees in secret locations for months, the Russians/Iranians/Mugabe brought the detainees to an official prison where they reconfessed their crimes....."
FBI and military interrogators who began work with the suspects in late 2006 called themselves the "Clean Team," and set as their goal collecting of virtually the same information the CIA had obtained from five of the six through duress at secret prisons.
To ensure that the data would not be tainted by allegations of torture or illegal coercion, the FBI and military team won the suspects' trust over the past 16 months by using time-tested rapport-building techniques, the officials said.
Imagine how this reads if the interrogating power wasn't our country, but Iran, Russia, or Zimbabwe.
"After torturing the detainees in secret locations for months, the Russians/Iranians/Mugabe brought the detainees to an official prison where they reconfessed their crimes....."
they want to skew the debates or the national conversation at this particular time?
all of this could have happened months or years ago. it can't be a coincidence that this kangaroo trial (forced confessions in a military court? barbaric.) will be occurring at the same time as an election.
it's to keep our minds off something else, right?
r8r, at 10:20 AM
That's a really, really, really good point.
Republicans are so tough they're bringing in 9/11 plotters, vote for us.
It's also not coincidental that the admisiion of waterboarding was hidden on Super Tuesday when it would be lost in the news because they had to have that admission before they brought these guys to "trial."
mikevotes, at 10:54 AM
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