Political bits
John Boehner cries today, again.
(CNN) "Following his speech on the House floor, Boehner wiped his eyes and told CNN's Andrea Koppel, "It's been a long month."
(CNN) McCain finally stops fundraising long enough to cast his first vote in a month.
(ABC) The Firefighters Union sent out 280,000 copies of a video attacking Giuliani's conduct after 9/11, and families of 9/11 victims have been protesting outside his fundraisers.
(CNN) Ron Paul held an "Educating Rudy" press conference today with Michael Scheuer saying that Giulaini was misinformed about US foreign policy.
(Politico) In the new Diageo poll, the "Right Track/Wrong Track" number is 18% / 71%.
(Just as a general aside, I'm disregarding all the '08 Republican versus Democrat head to head matchups, because thus far, the Republicans haven't really had to defend Bush, running within their own party. When they run against Dems, they are going to have to defend supporting Bush's policies on Iraq, the economy, etc.)
And, I think this ABC video is worth a quick look.
(CNN) "Following his speech on the House floor, Boehner wiped his eyes and told CNN's Andrea Koppel, "It's been a long month."
(CNN) McCain finally stops fundraising long enough to cast his first vote in a month.
(ABC) The Firefighters Union sent out 280,000 copies of a video attacking Giuliani's conduct after 9/11, and families of 9/11 victims have been protesting outside his fundraisers.
(CNN) Ron Paul held an "Educating Rudy" press conference today with Michael Scheuer saying that Giulaini was misinformed about US foreign policy.
(Politico) In the new Diageo poll, the "Right Track/Wrong Track" number is 18% / 71%.
(Just as a general aside, I'm disregarding all the '08 Republican versus Democrat head to head matchups, because thus far, the Republicans haven't really had to defend Bush, running within their own party. When they run against Dems, they are going to have to defend supporting Bush's policies on Iraq, the economy, etc.)
And, I think this ABC video is worth a quick look.
re: video
Bush seems to live in one sound bite at a time. I don't think he even realizes the incongruity of his disjointed rationalizations for his (in)actions.
-epm, at 7:54 PM
No. Definitely not.
He views these things as combat and the questions are to be fended off through some combination of talking points.
H's not trying to convey information.
That's why he will occasionally flash an incongruous smile at the end of a serious answer. He thinks he found the right combination of bits to "win."
mikevotes, at 9:09 PM
I was confused when Bush stated we are in Iraq at their government's request. I don't recall anyone in Iraq asking us to bomb them, kill their people, and totally destroy their country. Must been the week I was on vacation.
Lew Scannon, at 9:13 PM
That's a second, very valid point.
Another version would be, why would we listen to them on when to leave if we didn't listen coming in?
mikevotes, at 9:28 PM
Tweety Bird matthews is off the Rudy bandwagon. He's been hammering him all week. That may be a good sign that the CW is changing on the GOP side. Romney up, Rudy down?
Reality-Based Educator, at 9:44 PM
That's what I'm feeling. But mostly it's just that no ones tearing Romney down, not that they're really building him up.
mikevotes, at 10:00 PM
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