Cheney to "end run" Bush for a hot conflict with Iran?
I don't know if I buy this idea that Cheney would "end run" Bush and collude with elements in the Israeli government to force a hot war with Iran, but here's Steve Clemons saying it's being discussed by "a senior aide on Vice President Cheney's national security team."
Clemons has been very right and very wrong in the past, so don't take this as fact.
Clemons has been very right and very wrong in the past, so don't take this as fact.
Very wrong on what?
Reality-Based Educator, at 5:08 PM
I remember specifically during the Plame investigation which I tracked assiduously, he was wrong on a couple (far less consequential) reports like this about back room discussions.
I also have some vague memory of him echoing some attack Iran stuff that was similarly single source and didn't really bear out.
Frankly that line was some quickly written loose language trying to put some distance on the post.
So, please don't let me start a fight over this. I just didn't want to seem to endorse this fully.
Sorry. Sloppy blogging.
mikevotes, at 5:43 PM
Whether or not there is truth to the assertion may by Clemons, there is no questioning the plausibility. When has Cheney ever conducted himself in a way that comported to following the law, the rules, or even the authority of the office of the president, when it comes to advancing his personal mission. I would say the President has deferred to the VP -- subordinating, if you will, his authority to Cheney. Am I wrong?
-epm, at 8:01 PM
'End run' does't seem believable. But clearly Cheney knows how to manipulate Bush, and isn't shy about doing so.
Anonymous, at 8:18 PM
My issue on this is that it would be more or less treason, although with this administration that certainly wouldn't be prosecuted.
I see two possibilities on this story that makes clemons' facts right, but the reality not a Cheney "end run."
1) This is an aide talking out of school trying to drum up support.
2) This is designed to come public to pressure Iran.
I don't know. I just don't see how Cheney would do such a thing without the president's authorization. I would think it more likely that he torpedoes the diplomatic efforts then goes back to Bush.
But, for all I know, this may be dead on. What would Cheney have to lose?
mikevotes, at 9:14 PM
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