Question on gas prices (and then a rant.)
Okay, I admit I'm not an economic expert, but if the current gas price rise is truly due to "limited refining capacity" as is being claimed by the oil companies, and since a good part of the costs of refining are more or less fixed costs, doesn't the majority of this increase in gas price due to "market forces" go directly to the bottom line?
The GAO estimates that the "The jump in U.S. gasoline prices this year has so far drained consumers of an extra $20 billion, or about $146 for each passenger car in the country." (Reuters)
Extrapolating loosely, I figure that should be about $45-50 billion.
Now, to the politics, George Bush is making it a point to defend this "free market," threatening vetos on a price gouging bill and the "nopec" bill removing the cartel protections of OPEC.
Look, I'm not a big fan of the idea of legislation interfering with the markets, but, at the same time, so long as the Bush administration guarantees protection, the oil profiteers have no reason to even concern themselves.
(If I'm way off here, forgive me. This is definitely outside my comfort area. But when you're talking about a regressive $300 per car "tax" that goes to the oil companies just from the profit excuse "refining capacity," I think this issue becomes a big deal.
Especially since the oil companies do not really pay the externalized geopolitical costs for our "national security" interest in oil. We do. How much of our societally funded military, foreign aid, and government cost accrues a disproportionate benefit to the oil company business model?
If we assessed the costs of our interests in the middle east to the oil companies, they would be losing money at a greater clip than the US car companies. Instead they report record profits.)
On a societal level the current model of an oil driven society is broken and unprofitable, yet because of the way the costs are allocated, it appears falsely profitable, and those false profits then filter back to affect politics protecting that system and inefficient structure.
Worst of all, because of this misallocation of costs, the market cannot correct itself to develop realistic alternatives.
The GAO estimates that the "The jump in U.S. gasoline prices this year has so far drained consumers of an extra $20 billion, or about $146 for each passenger car in the country." (Reuters)
Extrapolating loosely, I figure that should be about $45-50 billion.
Now, to the politics, George Bush is making it a point to defend this "free market," threatening vetos on a price gouging bill and the "nopec" bill removing the cartel protections of OPEC.
Look, I'm not a big fan of the idea of legislation interfering with the markets, but, at the same time, so long as the Bush administration guarantees protection, the oil profiteers have no reason to even concern themselves.
(If I'm way off here, forgive me. This is definitely outside my comfort area. But when you're talking about a regressive $300 per car "tax" that goes to the oil companies just from the profit excuse "refining capacity," I think this issue becomes a big deal.
Especially since the oil companies do not really pay the externalized geopolitical costs for our "national security" interest in oil. We do. How much of our societally funded military, foreign aid, and government cost accrues a disproportionate benefit to the oil company business model?
If we assessed the costs of our interests in the middle east to the oil companies, they would be losing money at a greater clip than the US car companies. Instead they report record profits.)
On a societal level the current model of an oil driven society is broken and unprofitable, yet because of the way the costs are allocated, it appears falsely profitable, and those false profits then filter back to affect politics protecting that system and inefficient structure.
Worst of all, because of this misallocation of costs, the market cannot correct itself to develop realistic alternatives.
I've heard several politicians spouting that oil companies are in essence raping the American public with artificially high refining costs, so your opinion has been garnered honestly based on news reports.
I majored in Economics in college, but now I am a travel agent, which shows how little econeomic sense I truly have when it applies to my own life. Speaking purely economically, I should be trying to maximize my profits rather than dealing in a low-paying service trade. The fact is, however, that I am privileged to enjoy my work, which is why everyone I meet not only thinks they can do my job but in fact wants my job instead of their high-stress carreer. Because so many people are willing and able to do my job, I am unable to demand a high salary. That is supply and demand.
School teachers also face the same problem, although certainly not to the same extent. Not everyone wants to be a teacher, but enough people like the idea of lots of holiday breaks and summer's off to keep the salaries of teachers from being "what they are worth" to society, but in fact, if the pay is remarkably too low, then people would stop getting their teaching credentials and become what they would really like to agents.
Politicians have lobbyists plow tens of millions of dollars into campaigns to get them elected to jobs that pay in the low six figures, so I guess you could say they are in the free market themselves as commodities. The perks of the job are numerous, and include those biggies Carl Jung speaks about so eloquently: money, power and prestige. I personally would love to have the retirement and medical care programs that Senators have. In order to get elected, however, it takes more than deep pockets of lobbyists. It requires pandering to the public to actually get votes.
There's no "truth in advertising" laws applied to politicians, so they smear their opponents using lies and half truths, so that even if their pandering fails to convince the public that they are on the side of the citizens, they can win because they at least are not as bad as that other villain. I know you have no trouble believing this of President Bush, but it also applies to folks on your side.
If you are prepared to say that the oil companies make too much money refining oil, then it stands to reason that someone can make a profit by undercutting them. And yet, this doesn't seem to be happening. Why?
Primarily, the cost of entry into the business is too high for most of us to consider going into the field. There is the obvious fixed cost involved in buying the land and building the refinery, but there's also about ten years (this is just a guess) to get through the environmnetal impact and other studies required by THE GOVERNMENT to build the refinery. This limits the competition to something less than to being a travel agent, and so they make more money for their dirty job.
Interestingly, many of the same politicians also say that we consume too much oil, which they say is creating global warming. Supply and demand laws of economics translate into this simple truth: the higher the price, the less will be sold, but that only applies once equilibrium has been reached, at which point demand and supply have met perfectly. Apparently so far, the demand for oil is relatively inelastic relative to the price. Pehaps if gas in America cost the same as it does in Europe, then that would be sufficient to stop drivers from wasting as much fuel and polluting the air with CO2. How should this be accomplished? The government can impose greater taxes and then redistribute that income to their own favorite groups, or the people who take the risks and do the dirty job of providing gasoline can raise the prices and make profits.
The company employees take their paychecks and spend it on goods and services that employ other people, who again spend their money on things. About a year ago, it looked to me like gas prices were absurdly high, so I bought some Chevron stock in my IRA to replace some stock I owned in a restaurant chain that had recently been bought out. I had no inside information, but I figured that if I was paying over three dollars a gallon for gas, I wanted to be in that business instead of being a travel agent. My stock has gone up by about a third since then. Good for me!
The United States of America is the greatest country in the world, because all we need to do is look around and decide what we want to do. Some very intelligent people prefer to look around and see what they are NOT able to do, and as a result, they lead frustrating lives that makes them lash out at the injustices of capitalism and the free market system.
Politicians are happy to tell these people what they want to hear, which is that there definitely is a problem and the only solution in the hands of the politicians, and they will fly around the country in their private jets and take their private limos flanked by dozens of other gas guzzlers to go to a rally and tell you why you should cut back your consumption of fossil fues and how the oil companies are evil for meeting your demand at a profit.
Wes, at 9:00 AM
I responded to you here in case you can't find this page again as you complained above.
mikevotes, at 11:36 AM
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