From today's press conference
First, the question that wasn't, and will never be, answered,
I imagine the White House staff waving wildly in the background. "Don't say bloody! Don't say bloody!"
Q Mr. President, moments ago you said that al Qaeda attacked us before we were in Iraq. Since then Iraq has become much less stable; al Qaeda has used it as a recruiting tool, apparently with some success. So what would you say to those who would argue that what we've done in Iraq has simply enhanced al Qaeda and made the situation worse?
THE PRESIDENT: Oh, so, in other words, the option would have been just let Saddam Hussein stay there? Your question is, should we not have left Saddam Hussein in power?
Q Thank you, Mr. President. I'd like to ask you about the Petraeus report, which as you say, will be in September, and report on the progress. Doesn't setting up the September date give the enemy exactly what you've said you don't want them to have, which is a date to focus on, and doesn't it guarantee a bloody August?
THE PRESIDENT: .... And so, yes, it could be a bloody -- it could be a very difficult August, and I fully understand --
I imagine the White House staff waving wildly in the background. "Don't say bloody! Don't say bloody!"
The man has the argumentative skills of a 10-year-old. I know. I have one at home.
God, how can it be any plainer that this man is a walking black hole of incompetence and malfeasance! He actually sucks intelligence and morality out of a room simply by walking into it...
-epm, at 2:54 PM
I often don't fully agree with your hyperbole towards Bush,but here, yeah.
The one thing I would like to know is whether he really views it this way. Reading the feedback off the private meetings he has with lawmakers and experts, it really does seem that this simpklistic view is his understanding.
(PS. I told you earlier this quote would make you blow a gasket.)
mikevotes, at 3:26 PM
Just as a FWIW, my hyperbole here in you blog is more of a cathartic rant -- a bearing of my unchecked emotion in the anonymous confessional of the blogoshpere -- and not the voice I would use in a letter to the editor, or in polite company. That's not to say that I'm expressing phony sentiments. I overshoot in degree, but not in direction, with regard to my feelings.
I'm sure you're aware of that, but I just didn't want you to thing I was a totally unreasonable person..
-epm, at 8:07 PM
I'm well aware of that, but I wanted to make the point that I was feeling the same level on this one.
This non sequitor answer to the one of the key questions of this entire presidency is so preposterous it set me off too..
mikevotes, at 9:16 PM
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