The Two faces of Arlen Specter, Again.
First, let's flash back and remember that the gay marriage vote on the Senate floor today, is solely due to Specter letting it out of committee with this unfogettable line,
"Specter said he is "totally opposed" to it but felt it deserved a Senate debate."
That being noted, he's doing it again. Rawstory reports:
But, see, despite his outrage, he's more than happy to do whatever they tell him. (AP Today)
Just stop lying, Arlen. Stop trying to pretend. You're the worst kind because you know what you're doing is wrong, and yet you're still doing it.
"Specter said he is "totally opposed" to it but felt it deserved a Senate debate."
That being noted, he's doing it again. Rawstory reports:
Specter’s anger peaked Tuesday after he learned that Cheney had been lobbying Republican members of the committee to “oppose any Judiciary Committee hearing, even a closed one” that involved telephone companies that have cooperated with the NSA.
But, see, despite his outrage, he's more than happy to do whatever they tell him. (AP Today)
Phone company executives won't be grilled by a Senate panel anytime soon about their roles in the Bush administration's eavesdropping program. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter, R-Pa., said Tuesday he will hold off subpoenaing the telecommunications chiefs while he works with the White House on his legislation that would ask a secretive federal court to review the constitutionality of Bush's surveillance operations.
Just stop lying, Arlen. Stop trying to pretend. You're the worst kind because you know what you're doing is wrong, and yet you're still doing it.
How much do you want to bet the secretive federal court will all be Bush appointees who will find in favor of the program?
Lew Scannon, at 9:55 PM
Yeah, I don't know.
You'd think if it was FISA which has members from Clinton and Bush I, they would have named it, so, I don't know.
mikevotes, at 9:57 PM
I used to think of Specter as one with whom I could respectfully disagree. Well, respect kinda stops when you want to build your credibility on hollow talk, then roll over.
-epm, at 9:59 PM
It's kinda crass, but after his cancer sacre, he seemed to have a brief window of candor and honesty.
Apparently it went into remission.
(Sorry if that's nasty, but I'm tired tonight.)
mikevotes, at 10:02 PM
My thoughts exactly.
sumo, at 2:42 AM
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