The linguistic deviltry of "The Culture War"
I've heard the phrase a thousand times, but the real subtext of the overused "culture war" just suddenly snapped into focus for me this morning. By the use of that phrase, an enemy is created, and, apparently, by supporting individual rights and freedoms, I'm that enemy of America. I didn't even know I was at war.
A positive for "our side," Judge Roy Moore, the Alabama judge who tried to launch a political career by demanding the ten commandments be displayed everywhere was beaten by 2-1 in his bid to be the Republican candidate for governor of Alabama. Yay godless, communist liberals. Push 'em back. Push 'em back. Waaaaay back.
Also, Tom Delay is trying to clear his "legacy" by pinning blame for any upcoming midterm problems on other Republican's "panic, depression and woe-is-me-ism." Right, Tom. It's their fault. Not that you ran the Congress with the ethics of a Nigerian politician. Have you talked to your wife lately? How does her lobbyist funded retirement look?
A positive for "our side," Judge Roy Moore, the Alabama judge who tried to launch a political career by demanding the ten commandments be displayed everywhere was beaten by 2-1 in his bid to be the Republican candidate for governor of Alabama. Yay godless, communist liberals. Push 'em back. Push 'em back. Waaaaay back.
Also, Tom Delay is trying to clear his "legacy" by pinning blame for any upcoming midterm problems on other Republican's "panic, depression and woe-is-me-ism." Right, Tom. It's their fault. Not that you ran the Congress with the ethics of a Nigerian politician. Have you talked to your wife lately? How does her lobbyist funded retirement look?
It's just like the supposed war on marriage. By demonizing a segment, they hope to unite their base. It used to work, but now, which more Americans' eyes open, it's going to just push those in the middle away.
That torture post above this one made me wish that Bush and those whom decided on these prisons go down in a cell live Milosevic.
Kathleen Callon, at 9:39 AM
Kathleen Callon, at 9:39 AM
Hello Kathleen,
Yeah, it's yet to be determined whether gay marriage will fall that flat, however the media narrative and quotes from the rank and file "base" suggest that may be the case. I think that's wahat's going to happen, but never underestimate the power of bigotry.
And, Rumsfeld has already admitted to a black letter war crime bck in '04 when he said that at the request of Tenet, some prisoners in Iraq had been held off the books without registration or prisoner numbers. That's a black letter violation of Geneva. So I'm not hopeful.
Leaders are only prosecuted for war crimes when their country is invaded and their government brought down.
mikevotes, at 9:56 AM
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