The gay marriage kerfuffle
There's alot out there right now about the shouting match between Feingold and Specter that led to Feingold storming out of the closed door Judiciary Committee Meeting considering an anti-gay marriage amendment. (That's right, the crazies actually want to besmirch our constitution with their bigotry.)
Politics, I'm really not that interested in the show today, but in reading the WaPo article, I came across this.
I mean, what the hell is that?
In the end, Senator Specter got his way, it passed and will be debated on the floor of the Senate. Certainly, it won't pass the full Senate, but his Republican colleagues get to launch election year rants about how gay marriages are destroying America. Congratulations Arlen, you must be so proud.
(By the way, it's always bugged me. Adultery destroys far more marriages than a couple dozen happy queers in Vermont. Why is it that we aren't talking about constitutional amendments against adultery? It's in the bible after all, it's one of the big ten that the fundies want put up in every "statehouse and courthouse." And, adultery isn't even a biblical reach like homosexuality; it's black letter, handed down to Moses, no question about it, bible law.)
Politics, I'm really not that interested in the show today, but in reading the WaPo article, I came across this.
Not all who voted "yes" support the amendment. Specter said he is "totally opposed" to it but felt it deserved a Senate debate.
I mean, what the hell is that?
In the end, Senator Specter got his way, it passed and will be debated on the floor of the Senate. Certainly, it won't pass the full Senate, but his Republican colleagues get to launch election year rants about how gay marriages are destroying America. Congratulations Arlen, you must be so proud.
(By the way, it's always bugged me. Adultery destroys far more marriages than a couple dozen happy queers in Vermont. Why is it that we aren't talking about constitutional amendments against adultery? It's in the bible after all, it's one of the big ten that the fundies want put up in every "statehouse and courthouse." And, adultery isn't even a biblical reach like homosexuality; it's black letter, handed down to Moses, no question about it, bible law.)
Mike, Crooks and Liars has a great clip of CNN's Jack Cafferty going off on this topic.
I love that old grouch!
Anonymous, at 10:18 PM
Yeah, I like Cafferty right now too, bot crotchety old man is only cute when he's on your side.
mikevotes, at 10:20 PM
Why is it that we aren't talking about constitutional amendments against adultery? Maybe because the barstards don't want to suggest they aren't 'real men'. Attacking an honorable institution like adultery would surely by admitting cetain weaknesses. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.
I still don't see where the politics is in these personal issues.
Cartledge, at 10:34 PM
Just like Cafferty said...there are more things that are important to focus on than playing to the religious right just before the elections. That's why they are WHORES!
sumo, at 1:25 AM
I wasn't clear on Cafferty earlier. Cafferty isn't the only crotchety old man. And I don't see how Arlen Specter wins in this deal except with his fellow senators. He comes out as both against gay marriage and beholden to the religious right. I guess somebody on the Republican side must've promised him no right wing primary challenger, or a dip in the money pool.
And, Cartledge, because there are enough people out there who wouldn't see adulterers as "the other." There's massive homophobia, whether it's repressed tendencies or not, but there's very little adultery-phobia.
mikevotes, at 7:16 AM
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