Tony Snow's feelings about Bush
Tony Snow is apparently the new press secretary. If you haven't run across them yet, Think Progress ran back through Snow's punditry and found a bunch of quotes of him criticizing the Bush administration and the president. Did nobody on Bolten's staff even vet this guy?
Just funny. Collection 1. Collection 2.
Just funny. Collection 1. Collection 2.
do you think they chose Snow BECAUSE he's been a little critical of the administration in the past but still remains an overall good soldier?
My sense is, they wanted to be able to say "Look, we chose an outsider who's been critical of us in the past, we're not that insular, blah, blah, blah," while still hiring a water carrier who'll parrot the offical line.
Reality-Based Educator, at 9:16 AM
Only in the rarified air of the Bush White House would anyone expect to pluck a Fox talking head and have him appear as an "outsider." But that may indeed be what the brainiacs in the inner sanctum were thinking.
Personally, I think they were hoping the White House press corps would go easier on "one of their own" then on lap-dog Scotty. They may aslo think Snow will be more aggressive with reporters for the same reason. It will be interesting to see if Hellen Thomas and Dick Gregory see Snow as a fraternity brother... or fresh meat.
-epm, at 10:40 AM
Well at least he's not built like a brick shithouse. But the press corp will have trouble getting beyond the glaring teeth.
I have no doubt that this Murdoch creature will be a great team player. A little background of admin criticism might even give him a gloss of credibility, for a while at least.
Cartledge, at 11:15 AM
Not a bad guess, reality based, although my hunch is that Bolten picked somebody he's comfortable with, knew at parties, etc.
I still don't know why he takes that job. I think it's potential career suicide with the WhiteHouse looking so vulnerable. If Bush really goes down for something, Tony Snow will be the face of it and will give up his pundit future.
mikevotes, at 1:13 PM
Here's my run down for some other FOX replacements to his cabinet:
How about John Gibson for Secretary of State (since he hates pretty much every country but the good old U.S. of A. Mr. "my country right or wrong"), Neal Cavuto for Sec. of the Treasury, Oliver North or John Negoponte for Sec. of Defense, Bill O'Liely for U.S. Ambassador to France and Sean Hannity for top propaganda minister, oops, I mean top speach writer.
The White House: Brought to you by FOX News
Handsome B. Wonderful, at 2:32 PM
Yeah, I really like the idea, unfortunately I don't watch enough Fox to participate.
The only idea I have is where does Colmes go? (Isn't he the wimpy left leaning balance guy?)
mikevotes, at 2:48 PM
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