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Born at the Crest of the Empire

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


PALO ALTO, Calif. (MSNBC) - More injured troops are surviving the war in Iraq than any other. But because of the terrible force of IED explosions, more are surviving with brain injury than in any other war.....

Thousands of other vets are facing the same challenge of accepting their new selves.


  • great link to point out Mike...without that body armor the number of US soldiers killed would be heading past 10,000 by now. Instead these soldiers will have life long disabilities.

    By Blogger JOS, at 12:24 PM  

  • Yeah.

    I've often wondered what the fatality stats would be if there were no modern body armor.

    Also contributing to this is the miraculous advances in trauma surgery. The one benefit of the significant rise in gun violence over the last twenty years is that the Us now leads the world in that type of emergency surgery and many of those techniques have been brought into the military.


    By Blogger mikevotes, at 1:08 PM  

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