Sellout McCain on The Daily Show
If you didn't see it last night, John McCain went on The Daily Show last night and got blasted for his agreement to give the commencement address at Jerry Falwell's Liberty University in a couple of months.
It truly is a clash for McCain whose main campaign momentum in 2000 came from the young and urban. Now, in an effort to win the primary, Sellout McCain(soon to be Dr. Sellout McCain) is reaching out to "crazy-base world." So, he finds himself selling out to the fundies while at the same time trying to be "hip" on The Daily Show.
I think the results at both efforts will end up something like this interview. (Just watch him try to keep smiling as Jon Stewart rips into him.)
It truly is a clash for McCain whose main campaign momentum in 2000 came from the young and urban. Now, in an effort to win the primary, Sellout McCain(soon to be Dr. Sellout McCain) is reaching out to "crazy-base world." So, he finds himself selling out to the fundies while at the same time trying to be "hip" on The Daily Show.
I think the results at both efforts will end up something like this interview. (Just watch him try to keep smiling as Jon Stewart rips into him.)
I hope McCain makes it to The Colbert Report next. Stewart can hammer people occasionally (as Tucker and Begala are no doubt aware), Colbert can be brutal on people.
His interview with Michael Brown was pretty uncomfortable stuff. When Brown said that Chertoff hadn't made any positive changes after Katrina, Colbert said, "Sure he did. He fired you." Brownie did not look too amused at that.
Reality-Based Educator, at 7:52 PM
I saw that Michael Brown interview. I kept looking for it online to link it. IT WAS BRUTAL.
I had it on the DVR and watched it twice just to be sure.
And, McCain will go on Colbert. He thinks he's cool with the kids and that's the place to be. But I gotta say, kotowing to Falwell is not cool to the kids.
So, I dunno. But he sure tore Smirconish(?) apart the other night, too.
mikevotes, at 8:50 PM
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