Everyday something worse in Iraq
This just dropped my jaw. Not only are the Shia not cracking down on their militias, now the Interior Minister is refusing to deploy any US trained Iraqi troops.
Iraq's interior ministry is refusing to deploy thousands of police recruits who have been trained by the US and the UK and is hiring its own men and putting them on the streets, according to western security advisers....
The interior ministry, which is controlled by the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution (SCIRI), has not deployed any graduates of the civilian police assistance training team (CPATT), a joint US/UK unit, for the past three months.
thats is fucking amazing. We have accomplished nothing. it's the same iraq that the british tried to tame.
Yukkione, at 10:58 PM
It certainly is telling.
Justin, at 1:59 AM
We have accomplished nothing.
That's not true. We've made Iraq a bastion of anti-Americanism, a live ammo training camp for insurgent guerrillas, the most effective recruiting mechanism for anti-Western terrorist, and fulfilled every prophecy of fear and hatred the radical Muslim world had about us. All this in just three short years.
And thus are the seeds of lies and war...
-epm, at 8:07 AM
Yeah, this just dropped my jaw.
And, it has been going on for THREE MONTHS(?) and nobody noticed or reported it?
mikevotes, at 8:39 AM
This sort of activity will only enflame the Sunnis and provoke more Sectarian violence.
Bravo 2-1, at 10:52 AM
It really makes me wonder about the motivation. Do the Shia think that the US has unvetted Sunnis and Kurds in those units and they were responsible for the police statiomn bombings?
In the last month or so, I can't think of one that has occurred south of Baghdad.
But, yeah, imagine a police department of all white cops who harrass black neighborhoods. Wouldn't that engender some tension?
Oh, yeah.
mikevotes, at 12:34 PM
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