Chris Matthews sucking up to Delay in a commercial break
This is absolutely great! The Huffpo somehow has a clip from a commercial break of Hardball last night of Chris Matthews effusively thanking Tom Delay.
But more than that, it's a look at just how "tough" the modern "newsman" is on the subjects of their reporting. Also, they discuss polling showing Hillary polling badly to which Delay says, "There's nothing worse than a woman know-it-all."
Just a couple minutes and well worth the time.
Paul Kiel has a little more on the backroom bit of the Delay resignation. Apparently Delay has knowledge that Ed Buckham is may be about to plead as well.
While I'm playing catty politics, Holden at First Draft has a funny post on just how quickly Ed Doyle, the DHS press secretary arrested last night for soliciting sex with fourteen year old, has been scrubbed from government websites.
But more than that, it's a look at just how "tough" the modern "newsman" is on the subjects of their reporting. Also, they discuss polling showing Hillary polling badly to which Delay says, "There's nothing worse than a woman know-it-all."
Just a couple minutes and well worth the time.
Paul Kiel has a little more on the backroom bit of the Delay resignation. Apparently Delay has knowledge that Ed Buckham is may be about to plead as well.
While I'm playing catty politics, Holden at First Draft has a funny post on just how quickly Ed Doyle, the DHS press secretary arrested last night for soliciting sex with fourteen year old, has been scrubbed from government websites.
I watched the clip... Un-f'n believable!
What a rightwing, suck-up, groupie. Another example of "leftwing" media, I guess.
-epm, at 2:47 PM
On 'scrubbed': I've been toying with the idea of a bio library on the Newshound site ( because official bios are pulled so quickly when the proverbial hits the fan.
I guess it would need to be a wiki project, with a fair bit of collaboration. Oh well, one day…
Cartledge, at 3:03 PM
You're right,epm, just so slimy. That's the whole evils of reporters access to sources right there.
And Cartledge, it's not the Bios, but have you ever been to by Russ Kick.
That's the sites whole raison d'etre. They don't do bios, but his whole purpose is to archive documents that have disappeared. He's most famous because it was his FOIA that got the first pictures of Iraq coffins coming back into Dover AFB.
mikevotes, at 4:10 PM
Got that thanks Mike. I'm often after background info for articles. I leaqned long ago to download and store likely docs as quickly as possible. I'm stymied on some Australian political stuff, admittedly before wholesale web storage. But often its just the bio and library pic I need to round things out.
I am collecting everything I can from Australia's Cole Inquiry on the UN oil for food scandal. That is yet to really break in the States, but it will.
Cartledge, at 6:11 PM
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