- The Musical -
Thrills, Drama, Song, and Dance.
Reprising all your favorites
in one stunning show.
"There is no God but God"
"Going to Guantanamo"
"They'll Never Take Me Alive"
and everyone's chart-topping favorite
"Death to America"
"A rollicking show. It starts with a song and ends with a bang. Four Stars." - The Wichita Weekly Saver.
"I found the plot intriguing, but didn't really like the end." - NY Observer.
"It was entertaining, but implausible. I mean, are we really supposed to believe that these guys can go four and a half years without getting caught?" - Washington Post
(Notice: Osama bin Laden is unable to perform due to illness. Tonight, the role of Supervillian will be played by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.)
- The Musical -
Thrills, Drama, Song, and Dance.
Reprising all your favorites
in one stunning show.
"There is no God but God"
"Going to Guantanamo"
"They'll Never Take Me Alive"
and everyone's chart-topping favorite
"Death to America"
"A rollicking show. It starts with a song and ends with a bang. Four Stars." - The Wichita Weekly Saver.
"I found the plot intriguing, but didn't really like the end." - NY Observer.
"It was entertaining, but implausible. I mean, are we really supposed to believe that these guys can go four and a half years without getting caught?" - Washington Post
(Notice: Osama bin Laden is unable to perform due to illness. Tonight, the role of Supervillian will be played by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.)
(If this isn't funny, I'm sorry. I know it's tasteless. I'm working outside my normal genre here. But it made me laugh out loud writing it.)
(Later: If you're here for the Koufax voting, today's weird and gossipy entries are totally atypical. Look back to the weekdays, or check back on Monday to get a better idea of what I do. But quite frankly, although I'm touched by the nomination, I'm going to vote for ThinkProgress. Yes, they have staff and a budget and are working out of a political organization, but they do a hell of a job. They dig up stories, do research etc. I'm just in that "crazy guy with a keyboard" category. But it is nice to be nominated.)
That's pretty funny. I like it.
especially the part about Osama not being able to perform tonight.
I can't wait to see the Bush number at the end of the first act.
I hear the staging is fantastic - a giant aircraft carrier - never been done before.
left-over, at 4:35 PM
This is great.
You gotta laugh once in awhile or you'll go crazy.
Good job!
Greyhair, at 4:37 PM
That's great.
mikevotes, at 4:37 PM
Mike, I thought it was a great performance. You do satire well; it feels good to write something that gives yourself laughs.
Two thumbs up. Encore! Encore!
MadMustard, at 7:30 PM
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