Exactly. I have another one from the same trip I'm going to put up later of Condi and Laura that's just loaded with the same sort of soap opera emotion.
On the blog Firedoglake, I was reminded of a trip that Clinton made to India in 2000. Their post showed pictures of the Big Dog mixing right in with the people being showered with flower petals. They adored him like so many folks adored JFK. Our current president inspires unalloyed hate for who he is and what he does.
When I look at this picture, the soundtrack I hear is Steve Earle's song, "Condi, Condi" from "The Revolution Starts Now" CD. It's from the point of view of a guy who's seriously obsessed with Guess Who.
This is not the America I was brought up to believe in.
This blog seeks to highlight abuse of power, deception, corruption, and just plain bad ideas in government and corporations.
Updated several times a day.
Look> At> His> Eyes.
QuakerDave, at 11:04 PM
Exactly. I have another one from the same trip I'm going to put up later of Condi and Laura that's just loaded with the same sort of soap opera emotion.
mikevotes, at 6:10 AM
Apparently Laura isn't gett'n it for him lately.
liberal_dem, at 8:26 AM
On the blog Firedoglake, I was reminded of a trip that Clinton made to India in 2000. Their post showed pictures of the Big Dog mixing right in with the people being showered with flower petals. They adored him like so many folks adored JFK. Our current president inspires unalloyed hate for who he is and what he does.
Jim, at 8:45 AM
your so right Jim (oh btw. did you see the former blogger that was Will packed up his blog and took off.) It seems george wants to tap that eh?
Yukkione, at 9:05 AM
George Is trying to talk Laura into a three-way, but she just"doesn't do colored people."
Lew Scannon, at 10:44 AM
Yeah, Jim, I saw something similar at thinkprogress. It's the policy that's pissed off the world.
And there were the bizarre gossip column rumors back in 2002(?) of Condi referring to Bush as her husband at a dinner party.
mikevotes, at 1:28 PM
When I look at this picture, the soundtrack I hear is Steve Earle's song, "Condi, Condi" from "The Revolution Starts Now" CD. It's from the point of view of a guy who's seriously obsessed with Guess Who.
Highly recommended listening.
QuakerDave, at 4:29 PM
I've heard that album, I do not own it.
mikevotes, at 4:37 PM
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