Torture in Guantanamo outside the McCain amendment
I'm just going to put these two articles together and let you draw your own conclusions. First WaPo.
And then this from AFP
US military officers, breaking with domestic and international legal precedent, said that "war on terror" military tribunals at the Guantanamo naval base could allow evidence obtained through torture.
The US military officer presiding over the trial of an alleged aide to Osama bin Laden said he was not ready to rule out such evidence.
Po mojem pa ni nujno, da je samo komflikt. Ljudje so že čisto pozabili na ljudi, ki jih je zajel tsunami...
Kar pa se tiče konfliktov, se strinjam da mediji samo pumpajo trenutno stanje, ki gre na mlin trenutni vladi, kar se mi zdi še najbolj izrazito v US of Amnesia.
Anonymous, at 12:34 PM
Wrong page. :D Go ahead and delete that, please. :D
Anonymous, at 12:34 PM
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