An unpopular President in Iran
More than 180 of the 290 Members of Parliament skipped Ahmadinejad's "victory party."
I assume they didn't want the association with the current violence. After all, no one's fixing their elections.
Also, (AP) "Iran's opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi says on his official Web site that his access to people is being restricted and that he is being pressured to withdraw his election challenge."
(There have been various descriptions of Moussavi being "guarded" by the government which sounds very much like house arrest.)
I assume they didn't want the association with the current violence. After all, no one's fixing their elections.
Also, (AP) "Iran's opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi says on his official Web site that his access to people is being restricted and that he is being pressured to withdraw his election challenge."
(There have been various descriptions of Moussavi being "guarded" by the government which sounds very much like house arrest.)
Probably just the way things work in Iran. They are sending a message to Khameini that some reforms need to be made. My guess is they will be, but slowly and not until the street protests stop.
Anonymous, at 8:58 AM
I still kinda see this whole Iran thing (at least at the top political levels) as about relative power rather than overturning the election or getting an agenda passed.
Khamenei has been weakened by all this. This is one sign of that. He'll face more resistance from more quarters.
mikevotes, at 10:30 AM
He's not so young either. I think the Iranian government is pragmatic enough to be flexible. They just prefer to do it without outside agitation.
Anonymous, at 10:47 AM
I think that's what this is about. It's about forcing Khamenei back to "flexibility."
mikevotes, at 1:11 PM
Yeah but there are other issues. Privatizing industry, sharing oil revenues etc.....dealing with the US...which will probably mean climbing down on nuclear enrichment. It's not all about women's head covers.
Anonymous, at 1:41 PM
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