Quote - Marc Sanford
The governor was not known as a moralist but has frowned on infidelity and as a congressman voted to impeach President Bill Clinton after the Monica Lewinsky affair. “He lied under a different oath, and that’s the oath to his wife,” Mr. Sanford said at the time on CNN. “So it’s got to be taken very, very seriously.”
Or this one,
"I think it would be much better for the country and for him personally (to resign)... I come from the business side," he said. "If you had a chairman or president in the business world facing these allegations, he'd be gone."
From a purely ethical standpoint, he should resign.
Practically speaking, though, I think this is such a devastating political blow that it's hard to imagine him ever rehabilitating his reputation. He's through.
So (he may be thinking) I might as well hang on to the job and salary as long as I can, since my income and influence go to zero as soon as I leave and will probably never come back.
Patrick, at 11:59 AM
Oh, he's definitely through in politics, but if he's been anything like any other governor, some company in his state will hire him for awhile through somebody else's consulting sham. I'm sure he's done something that would warrant some consideration.
And, I'm not sure his resignation is in his hands. I don't know SC politics that well, but I would guess his position now rests with his Republican opponents. If they can get their guy in, Sanford's gone, but if they don't have that control, they may want to keep him around wounded so they can push him around.
mikevotes, at 1:14 PM
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