Quote - On the losing end.....
You know you're in trouble when your top national figure has to begin his criticism like this.
"He's likable. We all like him," said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. "We're not here to attack the president. We're here to talk about spending. And we think we're off on the wrong foot with the rate of spending that we're engaged in.".
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-epm, at 8:30 AM
Thus reinforcing the "Reagan-esque" comparisons. This could have easilly been a quote by Tip O'Neill referring to Reagan, if you replace "rate of spending" with "rate of deregulation" or some other Reagan policy.
-epm, at 8:32 AM
Yeah, I know. When you have to couch your criticisms behind so popular, programs so well liked, you've lost the spin war.
mikevotes, at 10:34 AM
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