(AP) Beginning floats of an 18 month withdrawal from Iraq.
(NYTimes) G.I.’s Attacked by Iraqis in Uniforms. 1 killed.
(NYTimes) Pakistan's supreme court bars Nawaz Sharif from public office.
(NYTimes) Pakistan says US missile strikes worsen Taleban.
(Chron) George Bush "dropped in" on a Poli Sci class at SMU.
(YouTube) Here's the PBS/David Brooks response last night.
(Politico) Apparently the "local sheriff" Jindal praised as an example of what Americans can do, has an unapologetic history of over the top African American racial profiling.
(StarTribune) If anybody still cares, more setbacks for Coleman's recount lawsuits.
And, (Politico) I don't know who to root for in a Bunning/Cornyn free for all.
(NYTimes) G.I.’s Attacked by Iraqis in Uniforms. 1 killed.
(NYTimes) Pakistan's supreme court bars Nawaz Sharif from public office.
(NYTimes) Pakistan says US missile strikes worsen Taleban.
(Chron) George Bush "dropped in" on a Poli Sci class at SMU.
(YouTube) Here's the PBS/David Brooks response last night.
(Politico) Apparently the "local sheriff" Jindal praised as an example of what Americans can do, has an unapologetic history of over the top African American racial profiling.
(StarTribune) If anybody still cares, more setbacks for Coleman's recount lawsuits.
And, (Politico) I don't know who to root for in a Bunning/Cornyn free for all.
"Pakistan says US missile strikes worsen Taleban."
Oh, you mean "Pakistan says US missile strikes worsen Taleban PROBLEM." At first blush I thought the headline indicated we were worsening the Taleban's effectiveness.
GWB in poli-sci class:
"A political science class at Southern Methodist University received a surprise visit Tuesday morning from an expert: former President George W. Bush."
OK. I know he was president, but "expert"...? I guess...
Jindal's favorite sheriff... There's a question about the timeline of Jindal's story and suspicion the event couldn't have happened as described. Maybe just Dkos looniness, but there's an assertion that Jindal was in Baton Rouge and wasn't on the ground in N.O. until later.
Either way, using Katrina as an example for why we should FOLLOW Republicans and put them in positions of responsibility is just mind boggling.
-epm, at 9:34 AM
Yeah, sorry on the blurb. I try to keep the quickhits things as short as possible.
As for poli sci, I was curious about the 50 minute q & A.
As for KAtrina, I was wondering whether he was in NO or not. In find it hard to believe he didn't evacuate as he had no direct function in the storm. I figured we'd hear more about this if the holes were substantial.
mikevotes, at 10:33 AM
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