Somebody knifed Judd Gregg?
An "AP investigation" finds out that Judd Gregg and his brother personally profited off real estate from appropriations Gregg steered into his state, but as always, I'm as intrigued by the "who 'did him'" as the story itself.
So, did this come out during vetting? Is this why Gregg stepped aside so abruptly? Was this GOP leverage that leaked out? Dem retribution? Someone up in NH who wanted to be sure Gregg didn't live happily ever after?
Normally, such kind of dirty leaks would be routed through "trusted" reporters at the NYTimes, WaPo, or the local paper. I don't know the writer, so she may be a local "picked up" under an AP byline, which would tend to support a NH source.
This just doesn't feel like something that came without a pointer from somebody, but this could certainly explain why Gregg suddenly and inexplicably changed his mind.
We'll never know for sure, but I love the intrigue.
So, did this come out during vetting? Is this why Gregg stepped aside so abruptly? Was this GOP leverage that leaked out? Dem retribution? Someone up in NH who wanted to be sure Gregg didn't live happily ever after?
Normally, such kind of dirty leaks would be routed through "trusted" reporters at the NYTimes, WaPo, or the local paper. I don't know the writer, so she may be a local "picked up" under an AP byline, which would tend to support a NH source.
This just doesn't feel like something that came without a pointer from somebody, but this could certainly explain why Gregg suddenly and inexplicably changed his mind.
We'll never know for sure, but I love the intrigue.
Not exactly related, but hearing Gregg comment on the budget proposal has me a bit wound up...
Look, it's an article of faith of the Republican creed that the purpose of government to aid the privileged so they (the privileged) can in turn take care of the little people as they see fit. In the topsy turvy world of Republican moralism: to aid the wealthy is virtuous, to aid the citizenry is apostasy!
My state's shame has voted to eliminate the minimum wage and to deny children medical care through SCHIP... not once or twice, but at every opportunity. He has actively forsaken his appointed duty to oversee the spending of TARP funds, yet he presumes to lecture Obama about responsible budgetary governance?!
The point is, there's a gaping hole in the tatter sail of Republican morality. And through this hole passes all concerns for social responsibility, compassion, stewardship, and unselfishness.... all of which are core progressive values. Republican morality focuses on avarice, separation/condemnation of the undeserving, control of other's personal behavior, and confrontation (civil, political, military).
Republicans like Gregg -- even if you assume he's sincere in his comments -- are simply blind and deaf to the values (both the moral value and practical value) set out in Obama's budget. Like a dog with a visual blind spot who keeps walking into traffic and is baffled as to why people are shouting and waving their arms, so to Gregg is confounded by the value (and values) of a progressive budget with a long vision.
-epm, at 8:25 AM
I like this comment posted over at BlueHampshire. He recalls the thinking of Tammany politicians and this concept of "honest graft." I think it might sum up the ethical declination in Gregg's (and Republican's) moral compass.
-epm, at 10:13 AM
First, your second paragraph is not historical Republican doctrine, but instead the "Reagan revolution." Prior to that, they had been small government for its own sake.
As to the broader Gregg point, I'm still sturck by how casually so many Repub govs rejected the unemployment help to make their personal political point.
mikevotes, at 10:24 AM
Your right, of course, regarding historical Republicanism. I was speaking to Republicanism in my adult lifetime (though I'm old enough to have voted for Warren Rudman (R-NH))
I still wonder if the anti-stimpak talk -- particularly the unemployment stuff -- will end up biting them on the ass. Obama seems to be working so fast that the news cycles are churning pretty fast, making the shelf life of any particular talking point rather short.
-epm, at 11:10 AM
Maybe it will bite them. I think it would depend more on how it contributes to the overall impression because rarely does anyone remember the specific actions of the minority party if the bill still passes.
mikevotes, at 1:36 PM
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