Bad Mother
I've seen different versions of this question posed to McCain spokespeople from several different media outlets today.
So far, the McCain people don't seem to have an answer.
If her daughter's pregnancy is such a private and difficult matter, then why did Sarah Palin accept the VP nod guaranteeing a very public exposure of her daughter?
So far, the McCain people don't seem to have an answer.
The Palins' and McCain aids continually push the idea that the 17-year-old girl will marry the baby's father as if this is a good thing. I'm increasingly troubled by this. I think it's another sign of poor judgement on behalf of Sarah and Todd. A shotgun wedding is about as abusive as you could get to a 17-year-old girl. The LAST thing I would want my teenaged daughter to do is marry some kid that knocked up my daughter. Talk about piling on... adding insult to injury. Keep in mind that in most states it's ILLEGAL for a girl or boy under 18 to marry without parental permission.
(I have three daughters 24, 20, 16 so by McCain's reasoning I'm an expert on adolescent psychology and human development. My daughters remain fetus-free... knock on wood)
I'm waiting for the father to be named.... Who is this guy? Is he 17... or 27?
I know, I know. It has no place in an intelligent political debate. But we're talking about the American electorate. Intelligence has got nothin' to do with it.
-epm, at 11:50 AM
First off, I'm assuming you've spoken with all of them about birth control.....
And, the father's been named. NY Daily News, I think. Just some high school kid. I'm really staying out of this below the level of the mother.
As for the decisions within the family, same thing. Not really my place to talk about what they should do, BUT.....
I do think it's a fair question whether the mother should elevate herself to the public spectacle of VP candidate if she's so worried about her daughter's privacy. It's not like she didn't know this would get some attention.
(And, although I titled the post "Bad Mother," it would be just as valid if the candidate were a male. If you're worried about your kid and public exposure, signing up as VP is a bad move.)
mikevotes, at 1:16 PM
"First off, I'm assuming you've spoken with all of them about birth control....."
You assume correctly. Not just about birth control, but personal responsibility and self respect. And not just one "speech," but as part of an ongoing narrative of what it means to be a responsible, intelligent adult. (Same with the boys, by the way)
-epm, at 1:51 PM
Yeah, definitely.
mikevotes, at 2:09 PM
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