Lieberman threatens terror in '09

(Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn.,laughs before the start of the taping of 'Face The Nation', June 29, 2008. (Karin Cooper))
On Face the Nation, In describing the reasons he believes the Republicans' presumptive nominee for president would be better prepared than the Democrats' to lead the nation next January, Sen. Joe Lieberman said that history shows the United States would likely face a terrorist attack in 2009.
Pretty damn funny, huh? (Video here.)
(PS. Endorsing the other party's candidate is one thing, but becoming his primary TV surrogate......)
There's something about election years that just brings the unapologetically shameless lime-light seekers out of the woodwork. The lackeys and hangers- on who, but for their freak show quality and sensationalist marketing value, would be relegated to the obscurity to so richly deserve.
-epm, at 10:59 AM
In less than six months he'll lose all his seniority. Not much recompense, but it's what we've got.
mikevotes, at 3:01 PM
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