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Born at the Crest of the Empire

Sunday, May 25, 2008

This is where the Clinton's are....

After saying that a Montana result might win Clinton the race (said in Montana,) Bill Clinton went on to say this,
"She can still be nominated. Don't let anybody kid you," Clinton said as the crowd of several hundred cheered. "All these superdelegates that have said they're for this one or that one or the other, they can all flip. So you do matter."

Seriously, Montana is gonna make 100 superdelegates flip?

Also: Hillary Clinton submits an editorial explaining the assassination comment and why she continues to run, "I am running because I still believe I can win on the merits."

But here's the weird thing. This editorial, which you would think would be a big deal, gets placed in the NYDailyNews, not the NYTimes, WaPo, etc. Curious, eh?


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