Huckabee annoints himself as God's choice.
Take a minute to watch this video of Huckabee saying that God is putting him ahead in the polls.
And it's Romney's religion that's the issue....
"There's only one explanation for it, and it's not a human one. It's the same power that helped a little boy with two fish and five loaves feed a crowd of five thousand people. And that's the only way our campaign could be doing what it's doing."
And I'm not being facetious nor am I trying to be trite. There literally are thousands of people across this country who are praying that a little will become much.
And it has. And it defies all explanation. It has confounded all the pundits, and I'm enjoying every minute of their trying to figure it out, and until they look at it from a .... just experience beyond human, they'll never figure it out, and that's probably just as well, that's honestly why it's happening."
And it's Romney's religion that's the issue....
It's official. I now detest Huck.
I admit it. I fell for the whole Jim Nabors, aw shucks, Mr. Nice guy m.o. fed to me by media sound bites. But this guy is no good for American politics.
It's amazing how superstitious people see proof of their superstitions wherever they look. But when you're not inquisitive about how things work or why things happen, all you're left with is the miraculous.
Oh, by the way... The sun rose in the east today. IT'S A MIRACLE! I prayed it would....
-epm, at 2:26 PM
Again, it's my guess that as people see more Huckabee, that shine will wear off.
He'll still get a lot of evangelical support because this stuff doesn't freak them out, they live in a magical world, but to the rest of us....
(And it's only god intervening when we score a touchdown, not when the other team does.)
mikevotes, at 3:19 PM
Mitt's speech today was all about how religiosity SHOULD be part of public policy. Though he claims that no one denomination should dictate, it's clear he was pandering to the activist theocrats in the GOP. He, like the fundis, advocates a wall of separation between secular democracy and state. I assume Huck doesn't need to spell it out for "his" people because, well, there his kind of people.
This is all a long way around for me to bring up the question: Has America moved beyond this desire of coupling Protestantism and State? Have we come to realize that JFK and James Earl Carter were right and that we're all better served -- our faiths are better served -- if we keep god-talk under the steeple and not the state house?
I don't know. I'm hoping Mitt's speech disturbs more Americans than it comforts... And by extension, it harms Huck and his Christian Soldier talk.
-epm, at 3:56 PM
Well, they're catering to a relatively small element of the elctorate which plays an outsized role in the Republican primary.
As to your question, it depends how you define it, because the issue battles are still kind of hot, gay marriage, evolution, abortion. These are proxy battles, and most of the recent movement has been away from the "protestant side," but they're still active issues without much backing beyond the religious.
Or maybe I misunderstood your question. Maybe the emphasis was on protestant.
I don't know. You pretty much have to run as a christian, and preferrably a protestant to win office. I think a large slice of America doesn't really care that much, but there still is a segment that does, and on the Republican side it really does matter in how the votes slice.
I think this whole thing will disturb people, but probably not the swing voters in the GOP primary.
(PS. How happy is Giuliani that Romney's Mormonism has kept his Catholicism from being the religious topic. How can he be pro-life and be a catholic, etc. etc.)
mikevotes, at 5:26 PM
Yeah, this kind of stuff plays well in GOP primaries, but it usually gets played down in the general election campaign.
When the Republicans lose the White House, I wonder how they will spin the "God's choice" angle. Why would the Big Dude endorse a loser?
Todd Dugdale , at 8:26 PM
Todd, It's because the devil and his secular humanists are at work.
mikevotes, at 9:12 PM
Have you all seen the info about Huckabee's son who got in trouble for hanging, beating and slitting the throat of a dog? Gives one shivers.
Anonymous, at 7:56 PM
Jesus, another Republican with another dog story?
Mitt's dog strapped to the car, Judith Nathan helping with animal experiments, now this?
Anonymous, at 9:15 PM
And we can't forget Bill Frist's dognapping for science or whatever it was.
Anonymous, at 1:52 PM
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