War-like as a form of identity
I haven't really figured out how to put it into words, but the "conspiracy theory" version of the NIE coming from some on the right blows me away. Their argument is that either the Iranians (or CIA) intentionally distributed false information to stop a drive for a US attack against Iran.
The mindboggling part about this is that they have absolutely no proof whatsoever to make this assertion. They just made it up.
Their belief in the policy is so core that there's nothing, no facts, no intelligence, no anything that could change their position, so the facts must be wrong. It must be a conspiracy.
(Fred Thompson's now jumping to a weak version of this position.)
The mindboggling part about this is that they have absolutely no proof whatsoever to make this assertion. They just made it up.
Their belief in the policy is so core that there's nothing, no facts, no intelligence, no anything that could change their position, so the facts must be wrong. It must be a conspiracy.
(Fred Thompson's now jumping to a weak version of this position.)
"The only thing that was halted in 2003 was what the intelligence community calls the military side of Iran’s nuclear program." -commentarymagazine
These guys are crazy.
We have situation where Israel practically admits that they have nuclear weapons, where everyone already knows they do, where Israel refuses to sign the NPT or submit to IAEA inspections...but the outrageous thing is that Iran, which has submitted to inspections and admits to planning a nuclear power programme, just might actually be planning a nuclear power programme.
We can't trust Iran, because they've admitted they want nuclear power, but we can trust Israel because they've been completely under-handed and deceitful.
This entire 'good guys' and 'bad guys' mentality is so unhelpful. The good guys can do no wrong and the bad guys can do nothing good. The world doesn't work that way.
Todd Dugdale , at 5:13 PM
On the bright side, this NIE seems to have taken the steam out of the mainstream US push to attack Iran directly.
mikevotes, at 5:19 PM
What is shocking to me is the number of absolute idiots we have in high places and/or treated as credible, intelligent analysts of world affairs. Shocking. These are people who see themselves and their intuition as bordering the divine: infallible and unquestionable. Their pontifications must be true merely because THEY WISH IT TO BE TRUE!
A pox upon us for being to weak-minded to shun these people for the loons they are.
-epm, at 7:40 PM
I'd add a word there.
After all of this, they CONTINUE to be treated credibly.
I mean, Okay, so some yobo fooled you once. Fine. But to keep listening?
mikevotes, at 10:34 PM
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