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Born at the Crest of the Empire

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Did you get the message?

According to Iraqslogger, President Bush used the phrase "Al Qaeda" 85 times in his 30 minute speech today.


  • Must be working, since support for the war has risen slightly, and since the corporate media won't call him on it, he'll continue to do so.

    By Blogger Lew Scannon, at 7:59 PM  

  • Whatever the truth of Al Qaeda in Iraq, the fact is before we invaded Iraq they didn't exist. And for 4 years our blind, iron fisted approach Iraq has only fueled anti-western anger and swelled the ranks of those we would call our enemies.

    It must a constant refrain that it is because of Bush and his incompetent leadership we have fallen to this point in the first place. To follow him any further -- to treat his pontifications as anything slightly more serious than delusions -- is to guarantee further failures and a stronger, larger, more radicalized Middle East.

    America. Step away for the crazy man.

    By Blogger -epm, at 8:48 PM  

  • Lew, that and the fact that "spetacular attacks" (man I hate that term) are down a bit. Some of that's US effort, some of it is Al Qaeda pulling back because of the growing Sunni opposition.


    EPM, that's really the baseline question that isn't really discussed.

    The administration tries to nullify the challenges to their credibility with the " we're here now" line, but, really, shouldn't the media be featuring the credibility question more prominently?

    For some reason, they don't even challenge the lies anymore.

    By Blogger mikevotes, at 9:07 PM  

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