Which '08 candidate would you most like as a neighbor?
Just for a bit of Friday fun, which '08 presidential candidate would you most like to have as a neighbor? (Just the Dems today, we'll do the Republicans sometime later.)
My vote would be Dennis Kucinich. Sure his wife would bring by those godawful carob/vegetarian cookies and he'd always be hitting you up for some cause, but, at the same time, if you ever needed a hand, you know Dennis would be the first one standing there waiting to help out.
Bill Clinton would be a great neighbor, but then there's Hillary and the security and all the parties and parking problems.
I think the Obamas wouldn't be too bad, probably a little stuffy.
The Edwards would be nice to my face, but would probably complain to others about my lawn.
Bill Richardson would be kinda fun and funky except that you know he would always be telling those jokes he thinks are funny and nobody else gets.
And, God forbid I get stuck talking to Joe Biden taking out the trash. I'd be there for hours trying to get away.
(This undated photo released by the Kucinich campaign shows Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich with two of his three dogs George, center, and Lucy, both rescued from the pound. (AP Photo/Courtesy of Dennis Kucinich))
This is a great idea for a post and very insightful analysis of the personalities of the candidates. I think I would have to agree that Kucinich would probably be the best with Richardson a close second. You know that Richardson would have some great outdoor barbeques.
Bill Clinton would be great too, but I understand he is rarely at home and Hillary… well that would be a real drag at neighborhood meetings. A twenty page position paper on trash pickup issues would just be too much.
The comment on Biden is hilarious.
Anonymous, at 9:36 AM
I'd like to have the Edwards' as neighbors. Because I hear they live in a really nice neighborhood.
I'd like to have both the Obama's and the Richardson's as neighbors... just to piss off the conservative, zenophobic white trash that lives down the street.
Kusinich would be a lot of fun to see at town meeting, though...
Seriously, though, I just plain like the Edwards'. There's something about them.... Not "wholesome" -- that's too repressive sounding -- but I'd say decent and honest (authentic?) about them. I think I'd really enjoy their company and conversation on the back deck, over a couple of beers and burgers.
-epm, at 10:17 AM
Mustard, yeah Richardson would definitely be my second choice, too.
And, Clinton with the twenty page policy paper on trash pickup. That is really funny.
(But, of course, it would be carefully balanced and calibrated to carry exactly 54% of the attendees.)
EPM, Yeah, Edwards dows have a huge and beautiful home.
Maybe I was a little hard on the Edwards'. They would be kind and generous, and extremely friendly.
It's just my impression that he just seems like he would be rather uptight about things being "just so."
mikevotes, at 11:20 AM
Whether you want Bill Clinton next door might depend on whether you have a wife. I can't speak for everyone but I know that my years of fidelity would be on rocky grounds under the assault of his charm. Every woman I know who has met him seems to feel the same way. I only waved to him through his car window--and your cousin was with me at the time--but if he had opened it, I think I would have jumped in.
Anonymous, at 10:43 AM
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