Blogger is still acting funny, so I'm going to pile it all in this post.
(AP) Giuliani defends Clinton's conduct on Al Qaeda. (McCain has the White House 2008 backing anyhow, so not much loss for Giuliani.)
(Related: Crooks and Liars has the Olberman segment tonight looking at what the Bush administration didn't do about Al Qaeda pre-9/11. There's alot there.)
(Reuters) A second UN report concludes that the Iraq war is helping Al Qaeda and fuelling the Jihadist movement.
(NYTimes) "Democrats Cite New Hope in Bid to Retake Senate." Still a longshot, especially if Menendez doesn't hold, but still. One NIE leak and we're back to the previous pro-Dem conventional wisdom.
(CQ) Harold Ford moved to tossup in Tennessee. I don't really expect him to win, but I really want him to. I like his positive energy. Stabenow gets some distance. Cantwell gets some distance. The brief Republican momentum from the post-9/11 push seems to have gone.
(And probably add Chuck Todd's top 30 House races.)
(AP) Giuliani defends Clinton's conduct on Al Qaeda. (McCain has the White House 2008 backing anyhow, so not much loss for Giuliani.)
(Related: Crooks and Liars has the Olberman segment tonight looking at what the Bush administration didn't do about Al Qaeda pre-9/11. There's alot there.)
(Reuters) A second UN report concludes that the Iraq war is helping Al Qaeda and fuelling the Jihadist movement.
(NYTimes) "Democrats Cite New Hope in Bid to Retake Senate." Still a longshot, especially if Menendez doesn't hold, but still. One NIE leak and we're back to the previous pro-Dem conventional wisdom.
(CQ) Harold Ford moved to tossup in Tennessee. I don't really expect him to win, but I really want him to. I like his positive energy. Stabenow gets some distance. Cantwell gets some distance. The brief Republican momentum from the post-9/11 push seems to have gone.
(And probably add Chuck Todd's top 30 House races.)
I'm hoping Harold Ford Jr. can win. I like him a lot, even though some of his positions are quite conservative, I understand that he is from a southern state trending red and he must hold these positions to survive politically though.
I'm not convinced the Dems can win the Senate or the House. Charlie Cook, repeating what he wrote in his last National Journal column, said on Hardball last night that if the political discussion remains on terrorism/national security, Dems will watch their pool of potential takeovers dwindle. Tweety (who has been really good lately) said "well, why aren't people talking about the Iraq war. Why isn't the media covering it?" And Cook said, basically, "They're covering other things." And Tweety said, "Did the media just get tired of covering WWII and move on to other things? No - so how come they did it here?"
A good question. The NIE did change the debate on terrorism somewhat, Mike, but I'm still not convinced that the talk of the US policy in Iraq causing more terrorism won't disappear eventually too.
I guess we'll have to wait and see how it plays out.
Reality-Based Educator, at 6:28 AM
I'm a sucker for Ford. Frankly, I'm a sucker for the populists.
Iraq is a ratings killer for the news media. The details are arcane and confusing to the casual viewer, and all the news is a downer.
And, I don't think it's a sellable downer because the tragedy is not emotionally separate. I believe that people feel guilty when they hear about Iraq, and don't want to be reminded.
And, I'm still not sold that national security automatically goes to the Reublicans. The question is whether the debate goes tough vs. weak, or competent vs. incompetent.
The former the Repubs win, the latter I don't know. The trick is to use the NIE, Bush pre-9/11, etc to neutralize the tough vs. weak storyline.
Look at the torture bill, hardly being portrayed as a victory.
mikevotes, at 8:32 AM
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