More Suskind on the Bush/Cheney relationship
Does anybody know how much heft Ron Suskind carries in the media world? Because if they take him seriously and this becomes a part of the underlying narrative, it's going to have impacts.
Think about the picture this is presenting. Think about how this will be read around the world and on the front pages in Cairo, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Pakistan, and Iran.
(And, again, Frontline tonight.)
In "The One Percent Doctrine," he writes that Mr. Cheney's nickname inside the C.I.A. was Edgar (as in Edgar Bergen), casting Mr. Bush in the puppet role of Charlie McCarthy, and cites one instance after another in which the president was not fully briefed (or had failed to read the basic paperwork) about a crucial situation.
During a November 2001 session with the president, Mr. Suskind recounts, a C.I.A. briefer realized that the Pentagon had not told Mr. Bush of the C.I.A.'s urgent concern that Osama bin Laden might escape from the Tora Bora area of Afghanistan (as he indeed later did) if United States reinforcements were not promptly sent in.....
Keeping information away from the president, Mr. Suskind argues, was a calculated White House strategy that gave Mr. Bush "plausible deniability" from Mr. Cheney's point of view, and that perfectly meshed with the commander in chief's own impatience with policy details. Suggesting that Mr. Bush deliberately did not read the full National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq, which was delivered to the White House in the fall of 2002, Mr. Suskind writes: "Keeping certain knowledge from Bush — much of it shrouded, as well, by classification — meant that the president, whose each word circles the globe, could advance various strategies by saying whatever was needed. He could essentially be 'deniable' about his own statements."
"Whether Cheney's innovations were tailored to match Bush's inclinations, or vice versa, is almost immaterial," Mr. Suskind continues. "It was a firm fit. Under this strategic model, reading the entire N.I.E. would be problematic for Bush: it could hem in the president's rhetoric, a key weapon in the march to war. He would know too much."
Think about the picture this is presenting. Think about how this will be read around the world and on the front pages in Cairo, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Pakistan, and Iran.
(And, again, Frontline tonight.)
Never heard the nickname the CIA gave Cheney before. LOL funny, but then, it's not so funny when you think about it, is it?
Anonymous, at 1:42 PM
That's exactly the process I went through.
heh.heh. heh.
mikevotes, at 2:19 PM
I'd say it would be embarassing except that I doubt there's many people left on the planet who think Bush is capable of much more than riding a bike or chewing gum (definately not at the same time). Certainly complex thought is far beyond his capability, and he picked Cheney for good reason.
Aside from Cheney being an agent of the devil, I meant.
Anonymous, at 3:47 PM
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