What's gone on at Guantanamo
All from Andrew Sullivan:
Here's a list of interrogation techniques reliably documented at U.S. detention centers in Guantanamo or Afghanistan, compiled by medical ethicist, Stephen Miles, in a forthcoming book, "Oath Betrayed." His sources are 35,000 pages of FOIAed government documents or credible witness testimony:
The trouble is: the architects of this policy - Cheney, Rumsfeld and Gonzales - are still in power, and unable or unwilling to reverse course and face a real accounting. And so we stagger on,
(I've never linked to Andrew Sullivan before, but he got this one right 10 out of 10.)
Here's a list of interrogation techniques reliably documented at U.S. detention centers in Guantanamo or Afghanistan, compiled by medical ethicist, Stephen Miles, in a forthcoming book, "Oath Betrayed." His sources are 35,000 pages of FOIAed government documents or credible witness testimony:
Beating; punching with fists; use of truncheons; kicking; slamming against walls; stretching or suspension (to tear ligaments or muscles to cause asphyxia); external electric shocks; forcing prisoners to abase and to urinate on themselves; forced masturbation; forced renunciation of religion; false confessions or accusations; applying urine and feces to prisoners; making verbal threats to a prisoner and his family; denigration of a prisoner's religion; force-feeding; induced hypothermia and exposure to extreme heat; dietary manipulation; use of sedatives; extreme sleep deprivation; mock executions; water immersion; "water-boarding"; obstruction of the prisoner's airway; chest compression; thermal burning; rape; dog bites; sexual abuse; forcing a prisoner to watch the abuse or torture of a loved one......
The trouble is: the architects of this policy - Cheney, Rumsfeld and Gonzales - are still in power, and unable or unwilling to reverse course and face a real accounting. And so we stagger on,
(I've never linked to Andrew Sullivan before, but he got this one right 10 out of 10.)
I think that this quote from WaPo is excellent as well -
Mr. Bush's decision in the weeks after Sept. 11 to take extraordinary measures against terrorism through the assertion of presidential power, rather than through legislation, court action or diplomacy. His intent was to exclude Congress, the courts and other governments from influencing or even monitoring how foreign detainees were treated.
It describes not just what has gone on at the detention centers, but Bu$hCo's whole approach to government.
Anonymous, at 4:17 PM
Exactly. I don't know if I've ever fully agreed with Andrew Sullivan before.
And once the course was chosen, there was no way to change. There's no legal means to legitimize the detention and torture so these guys are outside the judicial system forever.
mikevotes, at 4:34 PM
But really, they hate us because we are free.
Lew Scannon, at 5:12 PM
EXACTLY. You nailed it.
mikevotes, at 5:29 PM
I've forgotten, can you tell me again which side God is on?
Justin, at 6:12 AM
I'm not sure, but all sides seem to claim him. My guess is he's the mom at the little league who is waiting to buy the sno-cones after the losing season.
mikevotes, at 7:12 AM
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