Tony Snow steps in it, again
Tony Snow, in an effort to explain the "not amnesty" portion of the Bush immigration plan, used the analogy of a traffic ticket.
I have a feeling that that's not going to help the administration's case among "the base".
Snow is not going to last. I think he'll be done by July.
Anonymous, at 10:40 AM
When it's challenged, the coherence of myth becomes the myth of coherence.
Tony Snow is a lie invented to deprive reality of its value.
Shimmy, at 11:35 AM
Way too deep, Shimmy, but you're right. He is the pretty filter they're trying to put in front of the reality.
Kvatch, So far, the press room loves him, and if that garners favorable coverage, he's done his job even if he's a joke. The minute he stops being perceived as charming, all the little gaffes are going to come crashing down. It's really just a question of whether he can maintain the situation.
Thinking about it here, I think you're right, but July seems soon to me. But then of course, he hasn't really had to face any nasty sessions yet. A Rove indictment, another NSA revelation, Abramoff, and your July date could come pretty quickly. I think we'll know alot more when he has to pull the brown stuff off his face that came off the fan.
mikevotes, at 1:28 PM
Tony the Tarbaby is toast.
QuakerDave, at 5:15 PM
I'm really wondering how he's going to handle the first hostile presser.
mikevotes, at 6:15 PM
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