Al Gonzales threatened his resignation?
Is Al Gonzales' loyalty to the law greater than his loyalty to Bush? (Tonight/tomorrow's NYTimes.)
Let's think about this. Would Alberto Gonzales threaten to resign if Bush, or someone else speaking for him, had not asked the Justice Dept. about returning the Jefferson papers? I mean do you think Al Gonzales would just preemptively offer a resignation before anyone asked him? Bush is well known for taking threats like that in stride, eh?
So, I would gather from this that the administration was seriously considering returning the Jefferson evidence. More evidence perhaps of a weakened presidency trying to make nice with the Hill.
WASHINGTON, May 26 — Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales and senior officials and career prosecutors at the Justice Department told associates this week that they were prepared to quit if the White House directed them to relinquish evidence seized in a bitterly disputed search of a House member's office, government officials said Friday. (McNulty threatened, too. - mike)
Let's think about this. Would Alberto Gonzales threaten to resign if Bush, or someone else speaking for him, had not asked the Justice Dept. about returning the Jefferson papers? I mean do you think Al Gonzales would just preemptively offer a resignation before anyone asked him? Bush is well known for taking threats like that in stride, eh?
So, I would gather from this that the administration was seriously considering returning the Jefferson evidence. More evidence perhaps of a weakened presidency trying to make nice with the Hill.
Damn..this is gonna get juicy isn't it?
Unknown, at 11:43 PM
the soup just gets thicker everyday.
Cartledge, at 12:01 AM
There's some really interesting undercurrents in this story. I would guess Hatert's motivation is protecting offices from criminal/bribery investigations, but, more interestingly, I would bet that Pelosi is worried about possible leak investigations around classified programs. I don't know, just supposition.
mikevotes, at 1:31 PM
Mike, forgive an outlander here. I can understand the need to believe in Pelosi's best intentions. She carries a lot of weight in the current situation.
My reading is that she has been nobbled (a good old Aussie term) by the 'Black Caucus'. Now be fair, they set themselves apart and jumped into to fight for one of their own.
If Jefferson had any concern for his party, his caucus and country he would step aside for a proper investigation of the charges.
But I'm still reeling from the Gonzales move.
Cartledge, at 12:47 AM
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