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Picture of the Day - 2

Kristin Kenny of Edison New Jersey clutches the grave stone of her boyfriend Dennis Flanagan at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia May 25, 2006. Flanagan was killed in Iraq on January 21, 2006 by an improvised explosive device. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts.
I see the same asshat that is trolling at my place is hitting you too..god,can;t they get a life?
This pic sent chills up my spine mike..another generation that will suffer their entire lives because of the Shrub's war for oil...
Unknown, at 4:00 PM
Sorry anonymous, crossed the line. Deleted.
Yeah, it wasn't just the emotion, it was the all the other graves and the implication of emotion for each of them.
Also, Anonymous, it's memorial day weekend. There's gonna be pictures of soldier's graves. Idiot!
mikevotes, at 4:04 PM
Actually, I have taken serious losses from the 9/11 murders (the Pentagon....eight of them were killed), so I know what it is like to lose someone.
I'll be serious this time, but let me tell you, it is despicable to post pictures of grieving women at the gravesites in Arlington for POLITICAL GAIN. The war is NOT about oil.
This is why you liberals GAIN NOTHING. This is why you will never win the presidency again. I have heard nothing but non-constructive BITCHING from the left ever since you lost the elections in 2000 - there's never any constructive offerings. If you see there's something wrong, you go off the deep end and do nothing but bitch, whine and moan like a little girl on her period. There is never anything constructive said from the far left, al-qaida supporting non-American liberals, only criticism of our government....be further rest assured on a good bet that if you had a democrat in the white house and we were at war, there'd be hardly any demonstrations, except from us because the Democratic presidential track record proves how ineffective your presidents have been over the past sixty years. Jesus Christ, all I have to do is mention Carter. What good has HE ever done? He backs up the cause of terrorism as being patriotic. He supports and defends HAMAS. He sent our troops off on a suicide, failed mission to rescue our hostages in Iran....who held our citizens for over 400 days while Carter did jack shit....come on, but I guess that's another argument.
Bottom line, it really pains me to see pics like the one you posted, but it really pisses me the fuck off when I see goddamn stupid LIBTARDS who post stuff like this all to get at Bush and blame him for the war....you people are pathetic.
Get with it, come up with something constructive for once, stop your incessant whining and if you're dead serious in getting in a Democrat in the White House, you are light years from getting ANYTHING accomplished.
My prediction: there will be another Conservative Republican in the WH in 2008.
By 2020, Al Gore will probably be dead, and will leave the legacy of a failed vice president that didn't know the difference between shit and apple butter, because he spouted off a load of crap about how "global warming" is going to inundate our coastline with floodwaters from melted icecaps....the libs said this back in 1975, people, and they are stupid to once again come out with that garbage.
THIS IS WHY liberals will never again make it in the White House. They can't even respect themselves or get organized, let alone get some real LEADERSHIP in their failed party (oh, I mean HI-JACKED party....the Dems were at one time non-liberal).
Anonymous, at 6:47 PM
Anonymous, phenomenal. That's exactly what I want. Don't throw curse words or personal attacks or racist sexist language. I love it.
If you come around awhile, you'll notice that I only bash the Republicans who kowtow to the Christian Right. You'll notice I don't bash Giuliani and only recently started going after McCain as he abandoned his principles.
Now, on to the comment. First of all, just so you know, I voted Libertarian in 2000 and was reasonably happy that Bush took the whitehouse. If he had stuck to his campaign, I would probably still be supporting him. But this foreign interventionist, far right christian, debt building presidency just isn't something I can support.
Questions first arose in my mind when the surveillance plane crashed in China in 2001. I thought that was handled very poorly and we gave the Chinese vital keys to our electronic intercept technology. I wasn't happy with Bush's response at 9-11 as he skipped around the country giving shaky unsure speeches and that wavered my support, but I got pushed off the Bush bus while listening to Colin Powell's speech to the UN on Iraq. I'd read the conflicting info on the prewar intel, but still wasn't sure. So, I listened to his whole speech on my local public radio station and the listened to El Baradei call the Niger documents forgeries, and express questions about aluminum tubes. I went home, did the homework and realized that we were being lied into a war.
That's whan I became fervently anti-Bush. And through that, I became anti-this version of the Republican party that rubberstamped this war.
Now, I'm willing to concede the point(I don't think it's unreasonable) that an extreme liberal will probably not gain the white house for decades barring some great economic downturn where welfare programs again become the key issue, but that's not really what I'm after. Although, I would bet our definitions of extreme liberal are probably different.
And, Global Warming is real, dude. If you don't believe it, I'm sorry. You don't have to. It's happening whether you believe it or not. Although I'm guessing you haven't actually read the peer reviewed scientific work on it.
One more thought, If you want to Carter Bash, that's fine by me, but I think that Bush will go down with Carter in the future estimations of his presidency if he doesn't figure out some way to turn Iraq around. Carter was horrible in the hostage crisis, but he didn't choose to launch it, and the number of dead was infinitessimal compared to Bush's war of choice in Iraq. And I think the legacy of the 2+ trillion in debt Bush has added will probably damage our country greatly in the years to come. Just my opinion, we'll have to wait ten years to know.
Okay, now see, this is better isn't it? Talking? I'm not throwing cursewords or threats at you. We're discussing. Look, I hate to delete comments, it strikes me as just wrong somehow, but if you're throwing around "nigger" and "faggot" and making veiled threats about you and your boys sneaking in the back door to rape my wife to "show her a good time," I just can't let that stand.
So, if you want to disagree, great, in fact I encourage it, come back but stay within taste, okay?
mikevotes, at 10:01 PM
There are several points that we agree on. Let me assure you, however, that we didn't really lose much when that P3 Orion was forced down to land in mainland China. True, they scoured the plane - but around the same time, our cryptologists and techs were busy coming up with field changes for the crypto gear that was compromised and trust me, any superseded keying material was destroyed via shredding or burning long before the plane was forced to land (that's the first thing we destroy during an emergency destruction). So, they might have captured a few KG-84C's or a few KOI-18's here and there - but those field changes and new crib boards were implemented fleet wide within a week after the compromises, and the president probably had little to do with any of it (that's handled chiefly by DIRNSA and COMSEC).
Now, on to MY feelings about Bush. I'm a registered Republican that voted for him, but my disappointments in Bush may be slightly different. For one, he's too soft on the non-apologetic Muslim community (CAIR, for one). Thanks to his own poor tactics in apologetics (which I can't stand him for), they have crippled our country. I think Bush was placed in a predicament that no other president has ever faced in our history. 9/11 was a major challenge, and although he may not have done things the way we'd expect, he did his best.
Was Iraq a mistake? No, especially if you consider we've been after Iran for the past 20 years. This war with Iraq has helped pave their way toward Democracy. Now, 10 years ago, it was not wise to remove Saddam from power, but it is a wise thing to do so now. Iraq did in fact have WMD's - they went to Syria thanks to Russian vehicles that were provided for the task of taking them there.
All good points - I'm not happy about some other things with Bush - I just think that it is wrong to bash him about, especially during a time of war.
The one thing that sickens me about the far left is the fact that their ideals are seemingly in line with that of al-qaida, and that really bothers me. I would like to see someone put a bullet in Cindy Sheehan. She is a detriment to our entire nation and her son has probably turned in his grave over her blatant anti-American peace movement.
I am not in support of the Christian right, either.
Anonymous, at 10:45 PM
I wish it wasnt him. I miss him everyday. Bottom line.
Anonymous, at 9:03 PM
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