RoveWatch starts now
By my calculations yesterday, I think today may be the first day when we have a real possibility of leaks on the direction of the Rove case. (I just love writing that!!!) So, if anybody comes across anything, please let me know. Just leave a comment in the top post and I'll pick it up.
I still don't have any real feeling for whether Friday is Rove's D-Day, but from earlier comments Friday is the first possible/likely D-Day. As Rawstory says today, "Recent reports suggests the jury will continue to meet in the next two weeks as they decide on the fate of presidential adviser Karl Rove." But those 10-day, or 2 week, timelines started when Rove testified a week ago, so...
For some reason, I really have a feeling it will go into next week.
ABC's The Note is reporting that the grand jury may meet today, but the grand jury may meet every Wed or Fri, so that's not saying very much without any other reporting.
I still don't have any real feeling for whether Friday is Rove's D-Day, but from earlier comments Friday is the first possible/likely D-Day. As Rawstory says today, "Recent reports suggests the jury will continue to meet in the next two weeks as they decide on the fate of presidential adviser Karl Rove." But those 10-day, or 2 week, timelines started when Rove testified a week ago, so...
For some reason, I really have a feeling it will go into next week.
ABC's The Note is reporting that the grand jury may meet today, but the grand jury may meet every Wed or Fri, so that's not saying very much without any other reporting.
The administration is going to need another "deflection" issue...real soon.
Anonymous, at 2:24 PM
Yep. In the same vein, I doubt they minded the immigration protests on "mission accomplished" day.
mikevotes, at 2:50 PM
It looks like the Moussaoui verdict has killed off any other story line for this news cycle anyway. Maybe Olbermann will have Shuster on later tonight to talk about the leak case, but so far I have heard nothing today about it.
Reality-Based Educator, at 5:58 PM
Maybe, but I don't think there's any real news in the Rove case. There's some little bits in the libby motion response, but it's really not much of anything.
I think the next report is going to be "rumors that Fitzgerald plans to bring Rove up for indictment," or "Fitzgerald is meeting with the grand jury."
The fact that Luskin is not all over the press right now tells me that the ball is entirely in Fitzgerald's court. No more spinning, no more explanations. Everybody's just waiting.
mikevotes, at 6:22 PM
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